Political Advice

…from Captain Kirk:

Don’t compare President Barack Obama to Captain James T. Kirk.

That’s what William Shatner told CNN’s Ali Velshi when asked to respond to suggestions that Obama should act less like “Spock” and more like “Captain Kirk”.

Shatner said the comparisons are “unfair” because “Mr. Obama has the onerous burden of obeying the constitution [and] Captain Kirk was captain of everybody’s fate. He was a dictator”.

Funny, I hadn’t noticed that he was all that concerned about that pesky document, myself.

11 thoughts on “Political Advice”

  1. Thing is, Kirk at least had superiors who could, if they chose, hold him accountable. The reason they didn’t was, he got results.

    Obama, not so much.

    1. …in fact, I’d say Clinton was more like Kirk. If Clinton’s job approval numbers had been as low as Obama’s, that Senate trial in 1999 might actually have been close.

  2. Perhaps Shatner would prefer not giving Obama any cover. Rather, it’s better to provide a suggestion of what not to do as POTUS.

  3. “Kirk: Green Orion slave girls.”

    The Green Orion slave girl was an avatar of Vena in her attempt to select Pike, people, Pike, not Kirk as her mate as her only chance to avoid loneliness and it turns out the social consequences of disfigurement. Pike was more focused on his captors making him a slave guy, and his thoughts weren’t on what Vena’s situation was, and he didn’t find her that much of a turn on.

    OK, OK, Young Kirk in the Star Trek movie re-launch had something going with an Orion babe, but mostly to exploit her for the codes to “hack” the Kobayashu Maru training exercise.

    OK, Mr. Clinton: Hillary, Monica, and (cough) Paula Jones. I am not seeing any Green Orion temptress in the mix.

    1. Kirk could score the hot green chicks because he was younger, and not married.

      At least, the hot green chicks didn’t think he was. “Married to a starship!? Even I’m not that kinky!”

    1. Romulans are like Evil Vulcans. So you are comparing Mr. Obama to a Vulcan? I think you give him too much credit.

  4. There was a green girl in one of the original episodes with Shatner as well – played by the very gorgeous Yvonne Craig.

    The episode was “Whom Gods Destroy”

    And she was HOT.

  5. She was also crazy as a loon. And her boyfriends tended to get seriously dead. It might have been worth it.

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