8 thoughts on “Jesse Jackson Jr. Is A Pathetic Example”

  1. I’m surprised the left just doesn’t encourage everyone to riot and break things so we can put everyone back to work fixing what was broken. These people will never understand what the ‘P’ stands for in GDP.

  2. Who would have thunk it – A nation-wide broken-window fallacy. Bastiat is having himself a good chuckle.

  3. Mpthompason, maybe the left doesn’t encourage rioting because they know that it is we on the right that have most of the guns.

  4. Wouldn’t it be simpler to have Obama declare the unemployment rate to be zero, just like in the Soviet Union?

    Still, given the administration’s court arguments supporting the Constitutionality of the private insurance mandate in Obamacare, they could just pass a law requiring all blacks and unemployed to pick cotton for private land owners in return for meals and a shack. Cotton affects interstate commerce so reinstituting slavery and indentured servitude should pass muster.

    1. Massa’, today I’s picked three bails of cotton, paid you’ medical bill and busted-up that ole’ chifferobe for kindlin’ like you’se aked.

      1. Now ya did it, Titus. No chance to escape to Narnia now (ok, that would require a wardrobe, but chifferobe was a new word for me. Ya keep making me smarter. Thanks. However, I’d prefer the steamer trunks Tom Hanks had in ‘Joe vs. the Volcano.’) Your best hope now is SpaceX. Only three bails, by hand? You gettin’ uppity? I was shocked when a friend of mine once told me that he picked cotton when he was a kid. That stuff is nasty by hand.

        Since the One declared no COLA for the last two years and not of peep out of his base; George may not be far off. My mars settlement charter (with it’s absolute property rights) is lookin’ a whole lot better now, isn’t it?

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