10 thoughts on “Smuggled Libyan Weapons”

        1. Here’s a pro-tip for bob, if you feel the need to discuss Israel, and how El-Al has defensive counter measures, try this; “Good thing Israel’s El-Al equiped their planes with counter-measures.” It makes a much better statement than, “it might be best if they are used against El-Al“. Yhere is no best case when targeting civilians.

          As for SAMs in the Gaza Strip, any engagement of Israeli aircraft, civilian or military, would be an extreme escalation of hostilities. The best case, if indeed the weapons are there, is for the Palestinians to realize they are a bad idea.

  1. Actually, these shoulder-fired missiles are rocket science and might boost Muslim self-esteem. If they bring down a Western airliner and kill hundeds of innocent people, I’ll bet they’ll be high-fiving, dancing, and ululating, proof that Obama’s outreach program is working.

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