19 thoughts on “My Annual Vice”

  1. back when my guys were working digital cinema, I attended the conference of movie theater owners in Vegas. Sweet Jesus the vendors gave away great junk food. My favorite was the beta test version of extruded, on-demand french fries.

  2. I’m thinking if NASA screws around and Musk can’t get to the Station this year he should launch Dragon full of something delicious then eBay the whole lot when it gets back. Space candy anyone? How about some orbital Jerky.

    1. Good idea, but a government contractor would never risk their government contracts with such a rebellious act. Instead SpaceX will just meekly wait until NASA says its OK to launch.

  3. Jjs, that’s a fantastic idea! Hmmm. How much would I be willing to pay for a bag of M&Ms that had made that trip?

  4. Dragon has 3k kg down mass. Which is about 100k bags or bars of candy. He’d have to make $560 per piece to break even. I believe the candy express will have to go suborbital.

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