9 thoughts on “Feline Love”

  1. I read the linked article and some of the comments. That was enough for me. I haven’t watched the video so far.

  2. I honestly couldn’t watch the video either. There was a similar video that made the rounds a while back of a dog, in what I believe was India, risking its own life and desperarely trying to pull it’s dead companion who was hit by an auto off a busy road.

    Funny thing, I had no problem watching the video of Gaddafi’s final moments. Knowing the willful monster and tyrant he was I felt no pity for him. On the other hand, I find it extremely difficult to watch innocent humans and animals suffer. I couldn’t watch last weeks video of the two-year-old Chinese girl left to die in a street after being hit by a truck while over a dozen people walked past completely ignoring the child.

  3. I watched a little bit of it. People are saying it looks like the cat’s doing CPR, but it’s not–it’s clearly kneading.

    That doesn’t diminish what’s going on here–it’s clearly trying to help the dead one.

  4. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case a handful of words was enough to make most of us (myself included) not click the video.

  5. Stop it! You wingnuts are supposed to be heartless!

    (No, I’m not clicking it, either. I…I got something in my eye…)

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