13 thoughts on “Three And A Half Days”

  1. He got the diagnosis right, but I have to agree that it’ll take more than 3.5 days a year of doing everything for themselves to beat sense into the OWS nuts. Months on end of deprivation, as what they ask for would produce, might do the job for some. But most will probably still blame the “Rich”.

  2. He didn’t go far enough. Instead of letting them stay in a prebuilt cabin, they should have to build their own shelter using stone tools they make themselves. After all, the cabin and tools are likely products of corporations and we all know how evil corporations are.

    Or, send them to places of true poverty in the world and let them live like the people there.

  3. I think the whole approach won’t work, no matter how long you leave them out there. Their reality deflection shields are simply too strong. Corporations are holding down those areas of true poverty. The Rich are making them stay out in the woods. Etc. There will always be someone else to blame.

    I think rather that what will nail most of them is actually having a little wealth. Instead of giving them subsidies for overpriced health insurance, education, or making them pay for inadequate social security how about we simply put some money in for them in the stock market? Then, every time they screw over business, they also screw over their investments.

  4. Yeah, 3.5 days to grow your own food isn’t going to work. Better to send them to Africa / Haiti / other hellhole for three months of Peace Corps type service at their 18th birthday.

  5. I’m inclined to agree with Karl Hallowell that the whole approach won’t work. Either they’ll blame someone else, or they’ll embrace the primitive as the “authentic” and then decide they want to destroy all industrial capitalism has created. (I don’t know anyone who has a degree in anthropology, for instance, who isn’t a raving leftist.)

  6. I remember the old days, when Bill Whittle wrote things rather than talked in to a microphone.

    Those days were the ones when I actually paid attention to him.

    Video is information-death. Resist the call.

  7. I don’t have too much of a problem with corporations – although some of them, perhaps all of them (Monsanto especially) do some very questionable things indeed. The people I do have an issue with are those who accumulate vast wealth while actually damaging the economy. Investment bankers, I’m looking at you.

    The problem is that for an individual trader in such an organisation, taking apparently insane risks is a perfectly rational strategy. Take the risk. If it works out, you get a gigantic bonus. If it doesn’t work out, who cares?

    1. Take the risk. If it works out, you get a gigantic bonus. If it doesn’t work out, who cares?

      If it doesn’t work, then you’re a rogue trader!

  8. If it doesn’t work out, who cares?

    When your fellow Ivy Leaguers in FedGov aren’t there to bail you out at taxpayer expense, you care.

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