8 thoughts on “No Woodstock For Him”

  1. This is a man who never experienced the ’60s. You know what I mean: peace demonstrations, dope smoking, ironic detachment, all that.

    If they’re trying to get me to vote for this cat, they’re doing it right.

  2. Romney is a good guy to ask about the sixties. He says he wasn’t there, and I’ve heard that anyone who can remember the sixties, wasn’t there.

    this guy is Algore with an efficient house. And except for that one thing, I don’t see a lot of difference in Romney and Gore. He’s for Obamacare, he just wants to change it enough to call it Romneycare. He’s got that same smarmy, smart ass rich kid gleam in his eye, rise to his step.

    I’ve had enough of those guys to last me the rest of my life. I’ve been thinking Cain is a good choice. Hell, I’d rather have Herman Cain even if he DID all he was accused of. At least he’s worked for a living, coming from a poor family. Romney, like Gore, scrambled up from the top, the easy way, post prep school.

    And as to Cain, I find it odd that NONE of this was out, even though he’s quite wealthy and able to ‘pay off’ his problems, none of it was known, until the Democrats started digging. PUH-lease! And why is this kind of thing a public matter for a CANDIDATE, but a private matter for a SITTING POTUS?

  3. From Massachusetts. Speaks fluent French . . .

    Actually, one can be assured that Mr. Romney got really good grades in school. If you want to be a male Mormon in good standing, you have to go on your mission. The really smart men get intensive foreign language training and get sent beyond our borders. No offense, but the LDS men in the white shirts who come knocking on your door are not the first team as those fellows are overseas.

    As to the “PUH-lease!” phrase, last time I heard anyone say that it was one of these ultra-Left women with a crew cut and an attitude. Our side doesn’t talk that way. As to Mr. Cain being run through the ringer for conduct he denies doing but Mr. Clinton getting away with it, Mr. Clinton caught a lot of flak for this kind of thing, during the campaign and post Kenneth Star. In fact the reason we have Mr. Obama as President as the Democrats were tired of this kind of thing (vast right-wing conspiracy) and wanted to put daylight between themselves as both Clintons.

    I am telling you the Mr. Romney is much smarter than Mr. Gore, and I am most certain he was an “A” student which the word on the street is that Mr. Gore was not.

    On the other hand, the Conservative/Libertarian/Tea Party movement doesn’t seem to put much stock in formal education, so what can I say?

    1. Paul,

      If the following article is true, you are mistaken about Romney’s early years.
      I recommend this article for its entertainment value:

      The article is about Romney’s temper, but here’s an excerpt about his school days:

      As a student at Cranbrook, the elite boarding school outside Detroit, young Mitt—the governor’s son—was hard to figure out. He was no athlete in a school where jocks held sway, and he was a good but not great student. If he got noticed for anything, it was for his practical jokes: He clowned around with a bunch of fellow jesters that went by “Romney and the gang,” and his yearbook entry features a photo of him grinning maniacally in oversized fake glasses and fake Groucho Marx eyebrows. “Mitt was not particularly outstanding at that time in his life,” says classmate Sidney Barthwell, now a Detroit magistrate. “He wasn’t a great athlete, he wasn’t a leader of the school in terms of elected office. … Mitt was kind of silly at times in those days.”

  4. Funny, it’s as if Barone had never watched Forrest Gump, or at least, missed the point of the movie. The poignant thing about Gump is how artfully it portrays the “two Americas” during the sixties (not John Edwards’ two Americas, thank goodness). Forrest plays football, joins the Army, fights and is wounded in Nam, comes back home and works hard to make a go of shrimping, becomes a famous capitalist. Jenny drops out of college, plays folk songs in the nude, does drugs and protest, winds up dying of an unspecified virus. And of course, neither can quite live without the other.

    Mitt is a lot more like Forrest than like Jenny — he probably even says “Ma’m” and “Sir”. Would Barone really say that Forrest Gump missed the sixties?

    1. And frankly, Barone sounded a bit defensive. Romney was out there doing stuff, from advocating for the Mormon Church to raising a family.

      A glance at Wikipedia indicates that Barone was probably far more into the other America than Romney was, including politically. He even helped a Democrat candidate run successfully for mayor of Detroit.

      Honestly, this story sounds more like it’s about Barone’s insecurity than Romney’s activities during the 60s. OTOH, it is an edgier way to present the fact that Romney had a relatively mundane and moral life compared to many people his age. Among other things, if he gets elected, it’d probably be the first time in a while that we got a president who “didn’t inhale” marijuana.

    2. Those are good points. All too many people think that all Boomers were hippies in the 1960s. That simply wasn’t the case. Not only did a few million of them serve in the military (voluntarily or otherwise) but most of the rest weren’t out protesting and doing the other stupid stuff hippies were known for.

      1. All too many people think that all Boomers were hippies in the 1960s. That simply wasn’t the case.

        Indeed. Were it the case, the Tea Party movement would never have happened.

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