5 thoughts on “Axelrod Stays Classy”

  1. The 1800 political ad was hilarious. Sure, let’s bring back the civility of the good old days! For example, will GWB settle to his satisfaction Obama’s slanders of his character on the field of honor? One can only Hope (TM).

  2. I like the Gingrinch-Rutherford Hayes comparison better.

    There was a political button in circulation in the early 1970’s in conservative circles, “The Flat Earth Society: In Your Heart You Know It’s Flat.” Years later I learned that was a riff on Goldwater’s “In your heart you know he is right” because back in the day you couldn’t admit in polite circles that you agreed with Goldwater.

  3. Ah Chicago Dave. Gas prices aren’t rising and it’s all Bush’s fault, anyway. Someone really needs to photoshop his sorry sack of protoplasm into an Iraqi douchebag’s uniform.

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