24 thoughts on “Leftists Just Aren’t Very Funny”

  1. Jokes cease to be comedy when there is malice behind the words. Louis CK is a good example of a comedian with malice driving his political humor.

    1. YES! I was reading this and I immediately thought of Lewis CK. I just don’t get who or why he is considered funny. Even liberal minded folks I know say they don’t think he’s funny. I think the joke is that he is being ironically put upon us as a comedian who’s not funny.

  2. I now understand why Bill Maher looks so old, it’s the evil seeping through him from his very core, just like Palpatine. Now, if only we can just get Gallagher or Carrot Top or Rodney Dangerfield’s ghost to chuck him down a elevator shaft…into a reactor core…poof.

    I’m think Nancy Pelosi is a close second on that evil oozing out of her core thing.
    Let me say, as a big ol’ hairy guy, I tend to make more fun of ME than anything or anyone else. Coming next, is making fun of almost everything. And I think if you can’t do that, you first, the world next, your attempts at any humor are going to fall flat. You’ve got to be able to see humor from a personal stand point before you can see it outside of you.

    Liberals as a whole…as a hole…no, it’s whole…liberals as a whole are so sure they are right that there is NO room for humor.

    Plus, they won’t take a shot at themselves because they might hurt their own feelings and have to file suits with the EEOC and DOJ for limiting their own access to happiness. (oh man, there’s a movie script in there somewhere…a guy with a split personalty disorder…one is liberal, the other conservative…the liberal one keeps attempting suicide to kill the conservative side of himself…)

    I’ve got a ex-sister-in-law like that, totally liberal and totally humorLESS! She does not get ‘humor’ as an ideal or a concept. I’ve never seen nor heard her laugh at a joke and funny story or a movie, TV show or birthday card. She’s one of those people that smiles at a joke that has everyone in the room wetting themselves. My younger brother, this is his ex, was a stand up comedian for a while. He always said it was a mixed marriage.

    He tells people their mixed marriage failed because he has a sense of humor, she has no sense of anything but righteous indignation that anyone can laugh while children starve in Africa.

    I’m sure you know people like that. And too bad for them. I’d hate to die having spent my life being self-righteous and serious. What a drag.

    1. I’m remember some comedian talking about those starving in African deserts.

      “We have deserts in America too, but WE DON’T LIVE IN THEM.” Don’t send food. Send luggage.

      It was funny. I think I was living in Mojave at the time.

      1. Personally I like the desert. Probably because I grew up east of the Mississippi and trees and grass are just ‘normal’ to me. The desert is so damned beautiful at sunrise and sunset sometimes that it takes your breath. Of course I’m talking desert southwest in the U.S. too.

        The desert around Phoenix, Needles, Mojave is a just little different than the one they usually show in the “Send Food & Money” infomercials.

    2. Growing up in Alabama, a mixed marriage had nothing to do with trival matters like race or religion. No, a mixed marriage was when a University of Alabama fan married an Auburn fan. Those seldom ended well.

      Liberals were a lot funnier when they were telling jokes instead of electing them.

    1. Very funny. Reminds me of the article I read recently about a lefty who’s car broke down in redneck country. She was afraid. They helped her.

    2. Funny, that’s the second link to a Wagist post I’ve seen today (different posts). I’d never heard of that site before.

    3. Imagine that, this goofball liberal left MA, a state floundering in debt and moved to one where we used to have a balanced budget with a yearly surplus AND several rainy day funds. What are the chances that those from MA, RI, CT, NJ, NY… who moved here and voted for the same stuff that killed MA, have also helped in killing NC?

      We always had Democrats in charge here. But we now have liberal Dems in charge. And they’ve driven many businesses to other states. Just like they chased them out of the NE to the SE for over 20 years, until a few years ago. Now they’ve bolted elsewhere.
      But I love the ‘descriptive’ part of the story. Gruff owner, loudly ranting woman, disdain for socialists, coulda gunned me down, blah blah, blah…conservatives shooting unarmed liberals, blah, blah, blah.

      (I’ve been to and seen video of liberal meeting places…there’s NOT a lot of love for conservatives showing when they are together)

      But in the end, in typical liberal fashion it all boiled down to one thing, the same thing as always. The liberal mantra of Me, Me, Me! He wants other liberals to cover HIS @$$.

      “…I’d like enough of them to lay down sufficient cover fire for me while I run from Whole Foods back to my Prius.”

      The true problem with the liberal side is that they have no concept of ‘US’. He wants ‘them’ to cover ‘him’. Any good conservative gun owners, would be thinking ‘us’ in a running gun battle situation. Fall back and cover is not a concept to liberals I guess. Run for cover and let someone else do the hard stuff is their way.

      Plus, and this is what I thought of first when he wanted liberals to get guns too.

      If this guy was smart, (or if he was a conservative, evil profits, style thinker) he’d open a gun store / shooting range specifically to cater to his liberal buddies.

      They could have Dick Cheney picture targets, they could sell “I hate Nixon!”, “I blame Bush” ball caps made out of earth friendly, sustainable cotton, they could have a whole “Che’s Berets” section in the store.

      1. Now that would be funny. Liberals just don’t appreciate the joke. “Shut up and sing” indeed (one day I’m going to have to get that book.)

        You know it’s equally likely that the Nixon and Cheney targets would be sold to them by either side of the political spectrum. Cheney might even sell them target of the week shots. They would still not get the joke.

      2. Ya, it was interesting how the author made the leap from disdain for socialists to they will kill me the second they know I am a liberal.

        It would do liberals good to go out into meat space and interact with people from different backgrounds. It might help with some of their bigotry and ethnocentrism.

        Sadly, my views about liberals have been reinforced by interactions in meat space but I live in a blues state and all my friends are liberals. Maybe I need to visit some red states and see what the big deal is.

        1. Still don’t get the American red/blue thing. Here in Canada the Liberals are Red and the Conservatives are Blue. Kind of goes with that “red menace” thing …

          1. According to Wikipedia, the Red State/Blue State color scheme arose during the 2000 election–all the US national news media that election were displaying a consistent color theme. I remember earlier elections where the colors were reversed.
            I also remember liberal coworkers smirking at the scheme, as if republicans had chosen or been tricked into choosing a color commonly associated with communism.

  3. So by chance last night, I decided to watch Bobcat Goldthwait, halfway through his 1 hour stand-up, he says the reason for the Tea Party’s existence is the racists couldn’t use their normal language with a black President and so had to call him a socialist. He got a few chuckles, but it didn’t go well with the live audience either. I decided to find something else to do than continue watching.

    1. Saw him live a couple of years back and he didn’t do too well especially with a heckler. This was after Bush left office and he still was using Bush jokes. Didn’t get many laughs.

    2. But… but… he told all these jokes to his friends (none of which know anybody that voted for Nixon) and they were all falling on the floor laughing???

      1. Didn’t Bobcat know Dick Cheney is the new Nixon? I’ not a liberal and I know that!

        1. He was being more new age. Didn’t you realize that the Tea Party is the new Dick Cheney? Well except for the reprise of classy jokes about Cheney getting a new heart. Oh, that new civility…

      1. The Battle of Hastings was started by a jester, and we all know how that turned out.

        Don’t mess with them jesters, man, not even those cats at Ren faire…

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