9 thoughts on “The Barbarians Of Chicago”

  1. Rand,
    you, like a number of us here on your blog, have MOVED about the country for jobs, spouses jobs, etc. And I get that jobs are hard to come by right now. But when things were BOOMING, people fed up with Chicago Politics [and NYC, L.A., D.C., et al] had that same opportunity to move elsewhere BECAUSE of those gun laws, spending policies, or whatever it was that they didn’t like.

    We just bought this house two years ago, we’re in our late 50’s AND we’re considering, actually we’re strongly considering, a move elsewhere for financial and security reasons. Top of the list, TX, but it would be a start over move. But in second place, we’ve got family in southern IN, in a small town, farming community, but within driving distance of Louisville for job(s). Decent politics in both places, not great, but decent.

    Better than NC I think, because I fear the Dems are about to re-take our Legislature, and go BACK to overspending and re-distributing. The point being, there are choices, even now, even for people of limited means. It’s tough, but not impossible to get out of places that draw a significant vacuum.

    But people get lulled into accepting where they are as ‘home’, there are 10K reason why they ‘need’ to stay, and ultimately they refuse to get out while the getting is good.

    Personally I’m a frog that doesn’t need to be thrown into the boiling pot. I notice it getting hot LONG before any bubbles form. What I don’t get is people who tie themselves to the bottom of the boiling pot in Chicago, L.A., NYC, D.C., …

    Slow suicide is STILL suicide in my mind.

  2. Seems that it was Illinois Nazis that got attacked, by the Anti-Racist Action group. And we all know that Illinois Nazis deserve everything bad that happens to them. And so this is a case where “might makes right”. The next politician who denounces the ARA as greenshirted thugs will be the first.

    The next time the Nazis peacefully go to a restaurant, they’re gonna bring guns with them, so expect today’s “heroes” to whine about how unfair that is when some of them get shot is, and how that proves the need to repeal the 2nd Amendment. (Let’s also not forget that much of the violence in Weimar Germany was between various socialist factions, with the National Socialists beating the Communists.)

    1. The “Illinois Nazis” registered for the lunch as an Irish heritage group, if you read Insty’s updates.

      1. I believe that you may have missed a certain degree of sarcasm in the first paragraph of Sr. Ortega’s post.

  3. Buy arms and ammunition. Practice with them. Carry them wherever you go. If you are threatened, use them to defend yourself and your family.

    Ignore any law requiring you to be unarmed and defenseless. Your lawyer can get you out of jail. He can’t get you or your loved ones out of a cold, black hole n the ground.

    If just one of these diners had been carrying a weapon, and had been trained and willing to use it, this story would have had a happy ending. As it is, the devils will be emboldened. Next time, they may come for you.

  4. Supposedly, the police caught a number of the attackers in a traffic stop. So we’ll see if whatever passes for civilization in Illinois can handle it.

  5. Acts of terrorism are covered under RICO. Everyone in the ARA that was a part of this hit — shot-caller to thug — should be in lockup.

    I’m sure AG Holder will get right on it.

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