2 thoughts on “Destroying The Environment”

  1. I don’t want to sound too callous about it, but many of these people have brought the destruction of their homes upon themselves.

    First, they moved to those areas to “get closer to nature”, for getting that that also means that nature can get closer to them. In this case, nature being wildfires.

    Second, many of them suppported the forestry policies that have lead to this situation. It been over two decades since the fires in Yellowstone, and almost as long since the Oakland Hills fires, and yet we still keep having these problems because the Gaian-dirt worshippers won’t permit any “unnatural” means to ameliorate the problems brought about by pine beetles.

    1. That’s what we say every year when fires take out homes here in Australia. The difference is that the people who live in these areas, admit it. When someone tears up that they didn’t have fire insurance, other victims of the fire say “what an idiot.”

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