10 thoughts on “The IPCC Lead Author”

  1. Curry’s post was the most unintelligible mess I’ve ever seen. That is, except for the comments…

    1. This is a totally esoteric subject with no relevance to political policy. Who cares if the planet is warming a few degrees per century? The transhumanist supermen of the 22nd century can handle it!

      If we’re going to have climate scientists going in front of Congress to testify about anything, it should be to disclaim all the nonsense claims that are made about a nasty weather pattern being a result of climate change.

      There is zero evidence that climate change is having any significant effect on Americans or that it will in the next decade, so why should today’s politicians care?

    2. Muller bases his ‘conversion’ on the results of their recent paper. So, how convincing is the analysis in Rohde et al.’s new paper “A new estimate of the average surface land temperature spanning 1753-2011”? Their analysis is based upon curve fits to volcanic forcing and the logarithm of the CO2 forcing (addition of solar forcing did not improve the curve fit.)

      I’m reasonably sure that’s all english. If it’s unintelligible to you, what’s your native language?

      1. Did you read the actual source and not the ‘clip’, because it’s pretty damn hard to parse in places.

        No one that I listen to questions that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will warm the earth’s surface, all other things being equal.

        So she listens to this, then she disagrees with it, then she walks back a little on the disagreement… fascinating.

        1. I’m deeply disappointed Daveon. You’re sounding positively rational today.

          As to Curry’s disagreement, I gather she believes that current climate change has more to do with the natural variability of the climate system than with greenhouse gasses emissions by humanity. But she does agree that the latter has some effect.

        2. My quote above is from the source. I posted a link to it here last week. So this is a repeat. I continue to believe she has a very refined and subtle sense of humor, as indicated here by “all other things being equal”. Which only an idiot would argue is the case. (And yet they DO argue it, and are gleefully quoted by an equally clueless media.) There are several excellent summary-type quotes that can be taken from the post, but one good one is right after your selection:

          The issue is whether anthropogenic activities or natural variability is dominating the climate variability.

          I had no trouble following that post, and found no conflicts in it. Her issue HERE is attribution. And it is something she has written extensively on before. (Google “The Uncertainty Monster”). And her shots at Rhode, Muller, and especially Ken Caldeira are pointed, reasoned, and entertaining.

        3. “… then she walks back a little on the disagreement”

          I don’t see anything being walked back. All things being equal, increased CO2 should lead to some warming. But, in a massively complex multivariable feedback system such as that governing the climate of this planet, everything is never equal, i.e., every change of state sets off a cascade of opposing reactions, some of which are obvious, and some of which are quite subtle yet powerful.

  2. I find it odd that anyone in D.C. with a (D) in his / her name is worried about weather, climate or future people, when they haven’t put forth CURRENT budget in 3 years.

  3. Has anyone seen Zero’s tax returns? Anyone? Beuller? How about his college transcripts? His theses? Mine are available in the school library. Where’s his? Anyone? Beuller? I can’t believe that the Romney team isn’t all over the airwaves about the pathetic refusal of the media to hold Zero to the same standard they demand Romney be held too. Romney has a rep (granted one created by the O-media) for fighting dirty, well, I’m waiting…

    It’s obvious that if one wants the preening, self-regarding ‘fourth estate’ to carry out the role envisioned (by themselves) for them than we must, absolutely must elect pachyderms to office.

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