8 thoughts on “An Apt Metaphor”

      1. You gotta run with the metaphor.

        Mr. Obama’s campaign speech to reelect Democrats in oh-ten was that the Republicans had gotten the “economy stuck in the mud” and that he and the Democrats “were getting dirty and sweaty” trying to get it unstuck while the Republicans were up on the road “watching .. and drinking a Slurpee!”

        This time around, Mr. Obama “owns the economy” and he has driven the fine thing into the river . . .

      2. Sorry, more metaphors.

        I am wondering if Mr. Obama had taken out “insurance, insurance” to cover this situation or if he only has just plain “insurance” and will have to pay for the wrecker out-of-pocker?

  1. I think the Obama sign was Photoshopped … but it’s still a great image. I did a nice bumper sticker using the Obama “O” logo … but it wasn’t fit for polite company so I never had them printed …

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