10 thoughts on “Off To Mars”

  1. I don’t know about anyone else, but I was still having stylesheet issues with this website. I decided to do something about it.

    Here’s a greasemonkey script that fixes the issue:

    function addstylelink(href)
            var nlink = document.createElement(“link”);
            nlink.rel = “stylesheet”;
            nlink.href = href;
            nlink.type = “text/css”;
            document.body.insertBefore(nlink, null);


    I imagine Rand might get around to fixing it sometime.. the problem is caused by the “/wordpress/” prefix being missing on the stylesheet urls.

    1. I am still having issues and they seem to be getting worst, regardless of if the browser I try on it and I have updated versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE.

  2. I’m interested in what you had to say to the Mars folks. Even a three or four sentence summary would be great.

    I imagine you discussed cheap (and commercial) access to space, fuel depots, and building an infrastructure to support a multitude of goals (including a multitude of destinations). (Please forgive me if that’s wrong.) Did you talk about anything Mars-specific? Did Red Dragon come up?

    1. …do you need someone to carry your space suit bag, shine your Mars boots and generally help out?

      I can cook and clean, I’m a great general mechanic, I’ve got I&C background, I’m fun to travel with, and I’m great at Trivial Pursuit, Spades and Poker and I’m humble…OK, scratch the last…but the rest is true.

      Can I GO, Can I GO, Can I GO, Can I GO?! My wife says it’s OK with her…

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