11 thoughts on “Poetic Justice”

    1. The status quo offers even less choice. If the insurance company doesn’t want to cover you, you have no recourse. At least under Obamacare someone will sell you a policy.

      1. At least under Obamacare someone will sell you a policy.

        Yes, someone will literally make you an offer that you can’t refuse without being fined taxed by Uncle Sam. Sick, need medical care, can’t afford insurance; Obama has a new tax for you!

  1. I think the next congress should allow the “experiment” to continue in DC after the election. I seems like a perfect way to begin draining the swamp. The population will quickly self deport.

    1. Actually, Congress should make the law apply to itself and federal employees first instead of exempting themselves. Once they have the bugs worked out, then they can consider rolling it out for everyone else. That’ll be a few days after hell freezes over.

      1. I thought they did that already with Obamacare. I don’t see the point: it’s not like I wish ill upon them it changes anything for us. They’re either of good health, are happy to be martyrs or will find some way to get what they need. C’mon, let’s not fool ourselves here…

  2. Three cheers for D.C. I just filled out my annual group insurance renewal paperwork, hopefully for the last time. I wish I had the option of going to an Obamacare exchange instead (like my employee in MA who has Romneycare). I don’t have that option for 2013, or any other option, but if Obama wins I’ll have it for 2014.

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