Advice For Chuck Todd And Ben Smith

From Nolte:

1. If these two shills want us to trust government again, I suggest they start holding government accountable regardless of which party sits in the Oval Office.

2. If these two hacks want us to trust the media again, they can start by looking for another line of work.

It’s good advice, but for obvious reasons, they won’t take it.

3 thoughts on “Advice For Chuck Todd And Ben Smith”

  1. we’re corroding trust in our government

    Isn’t that, in a way, exactly what the job of a journalists is supposed to be? Assuming not everyone in govt is corrupt, shouldn’t they be exposing those that are without regard for ideology?

    Isn’t it the corrupt that corrode trust and not those exposing it?

  2. The people who lament the lack of trust in our American institutions would be shocked if they could sit down for just five minutes with our Founding Fathers.

    “Government, like fire, is a dangerous tool and a fearful master.” — Tea Party radical

    “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper…. Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in the newspapers.” — dangerous wingnut

  3. All I know is I’ve been at the scene of a few events that made the papers and was amazed at all the errors in the news reports. If I were to extrapolate from that…

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