Losing The Gun Debate

It’s pretty simple really. One side actually wants to make schools safer, and the other side wants to take away our guns, despite all their lies about their intentions, and push measures that by their own admission wouldn’t have prevented the event that precipitated the push for the legislation. So it’s pretty hilarious when they deliberately mischaracterize their position as “reasonable,” and “common sense,” particularly when they don’t even understand how guns work.

2 thoughts on “Losing The Gun Debate”

  1. From what I’ve seen, they really do think their proposals are both “reasonable” and “common sense”. And they are, concomitantly, completely ignorant about their own level of ignorance.

    Which doesn’t change how dangerous they are to human rights, but it’s important to remember that most if not all of them are not being evil liars, but are ignorant fools who really believe the nonsense they’re saying.

  2. As we learned during the Obamacare debates just prior to it’s passage, even if the majority of the populace against you – all that matters is how many congresscritters can you bribe to get something passed.

    So if the Lib-Dems are losing the gun debate with the populace, it’s neither here nor there to them.

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