7 thoughts on “Hubris”

  1. I find that there are certain efficiencies to his approach that we’re overlooking. For example, future historians at the Obama Presidential Library won’t have to waste countless hours trying to figure out the story behind each photo of Obama, since they’ll be able to use the same caption over and over.

    Obama (center), not giving a shit.

  2. I do wish people would stop blasting Obama for taking vacations, playing golf, etc.

    I for one am delighted that he’s an avid golfer who loves taking vacations.

    Think about it… where would you rather he be? On the links, or conjuring up even more trouble? In Hawaii, or pushing through even more spending and taxes?

    IMHO, ever dollar we taxpayers spend to send him on vacation probably saves us a million more, so it’s money well spent.

    So, stop criticizing Obama’s vacationing… when he’s on vacation, he’s doing a far better job (by doing nothing) than when he’s in the oval office.

    Hubris? My only question to those just noticing is what the hell took you so long?

    1. Yes, as I’ve written for years, Obama does far less damage to the country when he’s playing golf than when he’s playing president. He should play golf every day.

      1. …that’s IF he allows a successor, right?

        I’ve been waiting for some ‘event’ that would have the (D)’s to start screaming about NO term limits for POTUS. It’s probably too early for the event yet. But it ‘needs’ to be closer to the next election to work for them for them to start yelling about ‘changing administrations’ amidst some turmoil.

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