10 thoughts on “Ten To Twenty More Years Of War”

  1. Like any war on the criminal mind, it doesn’t until the reason for the crime goes away. It might be a highlander case of us or them, or then again it might eventually be a case of them following an evangelical leader into a new reality. Either case is measured by the century, not decade.

    1. I should specify that execute first requires an actual plan first. We don’t have that and are not working on coming up with it. The plan must first acknowledge that the ‘years of war’ (now amounting from the formation of our country and Islam itself) requires dealing with billions of people that are currently ‘for it.’

      Making Alan West Secretary of Defense would signal a certain amount of desire to actually address the issue (eight years as president would not be enough.) I’d say head of homeland security but I’d rather they just get rid of that organization and just focus both the FBI and CIA more.

  2. This particular war (and it hasn’t been a decade or even decades, it has been well over a millennium now) could have been ended in an hour, on 9/12. We all know how. And I think we all know that’s how it’s going to end.

    1. You have no idea how deeply depressing it is to have to agree with you on this, but I do.

      My hope was that Iraq might help some of these fools ‘take the hint’, and turn away from what would ultimately be a catastrophic confrontation with the US sometime in the future. That didn’t happen for any number of reasons, but I don’t see much hope we avoid that confrontation now. It won’t happen immediately, or even particularly soon, but it will happen….


  3. The War on Terror, like the wars on drugs and poverty and illiteracy, can never end. Unlike a country, which has a leader to surrender on its behalf, an idea has no leader.

  4. I figure you win the war on terrorists when they become so marginalized that efforts to recruit are a short road to being found, arrested, and prosecuted. When the friendliest response a know terrorist can expect is “Get Lost.” When those who permit terrorists to operate among them are themselves treated as the enemy.

    Something like how piracy was all but stamped out in the 19th century.

  5. It ends the way the war against leftist terror in the 1970s, we kill all the ones we can’t buy off with professorships and appointments to government oversight boards. Of course in Europe that means ministerships and somebody will have to just take it like a champ and put someone from Al Qaeda in the President’s chair, but only after they have expressed “regret”

  6. Well stopping the funding and support for these global islamofascism supporters in places like Libya, Egypt and now Syria would help. I also noticed a bunch of these idiots waving black flags in a TV newscast about Tunisia recently. It is quite likely to spread all over North Africa. If they get a toehold in Syria they will spread elsewhere in that region as well.

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