Mitch Daniels

Why he was right about Howard Zinn. Not to mention schools of education.

As Glenn notes, Zinn was a communist, and his works (and those who admire them) should be no more worthy of respect than those of an avowed Nazi.

[Update a few minutes later]


The AP story is a sort of hit job, intended to discredit Daniels who is coming up for his six-month review as head of Perdue University. Its actual effect, on me, anyway, was to increase my already high esteem for the man. Here is a chap that not only saved the state of Indiana from the fiscal nightmare that leftist-run states like Illinois and Michigan are suffering (remember Detroit?), but he is also someone who can spot a Communist fraud at 100 paces and isn’t afraid to say that left-wing propaganda is not the same as history and should not be purveyed as such on the taxpayer’s dime. Zinn’s book, wrote Daniels in one of those emails, “is a truly execrable, anti-factual piece of disinformation that misstates American history on every page.” That’s exactly right.

…Note well, Daniels doesn’t say Zinn’s book oughtn’t to be allowed to be published. He doesn’t want to censor the book. He merely says it shouldn’t be taught as history. He would, I’d wager, say the same thing about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And he’d be right.

The country needs a lot more Mitch Danielses. It’s a shame that he didn’t run in 2008.

[Update late evening]

First link was broken. Fixed now. Sorry!

2 thoughts on “Mitch Daniels”

  1. I don’t know if I care about the politics of “artists”. Random example: I liked reading Ender’s Game and I look forward to the movie this year, and no-one reminding me how much of a dick Orson Scott Card is will change that.

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