3 thoughts on “Obama’s Bubble”

  1. Obama’s bubble doesn’t keep him from understanding the concerns of the common man, whatever those are. I doubt he would even care about some farmer’s problems with the EPA. Suffering for his ideology is a necessary part of the process.

    Obama’s bubble prevents reality from effecting his world view. This lead to him arming and training Islamists in Libya and helping the MB take over Egypt. Events in Iraq and Afghanistan taught him nothing and neither did Benghazi.

    Obama’s bubble is self imposed not from a zealous staff seeking to keep him from hearing negative news.

    1. Obama shows no signs of being able to learn from experience. He has almost no actual, real-world experience of his own nor is he able to learn from the experiences of others. If he could learn from experience, he wouldn’t be advocating so many stupid things. By that measure, he is a profoundly unintelligent man and most definitely isn’t wise.

      I’m not saying he’s stupid, just unintelligent. Obama is smart enough to get elected president twice dispite his lack of experience. He just is unable to learn things that don’t fit his dogma. When he speaks without a teleprompter, he amost makes Bush 43 sound articulate. I can’t help but wonder who is writing his scripts. You could just about replace Obama with a voice synthesizer and let it read the scripts.

      Obama is the Sheldon Cooper (“Big Bang Theory”) of politics. He has an enormous ego and is only concerned about himself. He thinks he knows more about everything than everyone else. He uses others to his own ends and yet would likely be helpless to do anything real on his own.

  2. “Do not listen to these satanic lies! There is no bubble! Reagan was in a bubble, Nixon was in a bubble, Bush was in a bubble! But no bubble can contain Dear Leader! His greatness is so great no mere bubble can encompass it!”–Baghdad Jim.

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