7 thoughts on “We Won’t Allow You To Protect Yourself”

  1. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away under no legal obligation to come at all.

    The “minutes away” quip, while pithy, just doesn’t tell the whole story.

  2. Of course, “no duty to defend” is universal precedent and law nationwide.

    Cops can’t have a duty to defend you (unless they’ve made a special commitment to do so), since there aren’t enough of them to possibly do so.

    Which is why decent places not just allow but encourage self defense.

    1. If you read the linked article, you’ll see that the cops were already there. Instead of coming to his aid, they ran for cover to protect themselves. Pretty shameful behavior IMO. They retreated because they feared the assailant might have a gun (he didn’t), despite the fact that both of the cops without a doubt did have guns.

      So, if you’re being attacked in NYC, you can’t count on any cop on the scene to help you. But don’t you dare try to protect yourself!

      1. Ya, that is the messed up part. We can understand cops not being able to defend you if they are not present but while they are feet away doing nothing? Shameful and should be illegal as well as grounds for termination.

  3. If the primary duties of a policeman aren’t to protect, then they’re equipped and paid on the wrong scale.

    Neither revenue gathering nor evidence accumulation should require the level of militarization or pay that we’re seeing.

  4. I guess they’ll be taking “to serve and protect” off the sides of police cars now. BTW, the officers’ names are Terrance Howell and Tamara Taylor.

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