Bloomberg’s Big Gulp

A court has struck down his stupid soda ban.

The law, which would have prohibited those businesses from selling sodas and other sugary beverages larger than 16 ounces, “violated the state principle of separation of powers,” the First Department of the state Supreme Court’s Appellate Division said in a unanimous decision.

He’s living proof that you don’t have to be smart to be rich.

3 thoughts on “Bloomberg’s Big Gulp”

  1. All he had to do was to slap an outrageous sales tax on those drinks and he would have achieved the same thing as the ban except it would be actually legal. He can’t even be evil properly.

    1. Just curious, why would that make better sense legally than the approach he did pursue? Can the executive branch slap sales taxes on things?

  2. Seriously Rand, you started with lots of Weiner and went to Big Gulp?

    It sounds like a plot from a 1970’s soft-porn flick.

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