12 thoughts on “Women Love Weiner”

  1. I think you’re right about that not being representative. FWIW, one of the women he’s been texting is a user of the site that took the poll, which, for the edification of people who don’t click through, I’ll point out is sugardaddy.com.

  2. I just want to get one thing straight.

    “i” before “e” is pronounced we as in wiener schnitzel (i.e., Viennese veal cutlet) and schiessen (as what you all at your favorite gun range).

    “e” before “i” is pronounced “eye” as in Anthony Weiner (pronounced “whiner” if he knew how to say his name the right way).

    1. I just want to get one thing straight.

      English pronunciations can be crazy. “i” before “e” also can be pronounced EE as in piece, or even as a dipthong as in field. “e” before “i” can be pronounced as AY as in eight or neighbor or weigh, and as a dipthong as in veil.

      1. When he was first in the news, I believe someone pointed out that “whiner” was more likely the correct pronunciation, although nobody in the media now or then has said he prefers that pronunciation.

      2. Gentlemen,
        I wish you would PLEASE go elsewhere to get your weiners straight!! And arguing over who’s weiner is right, well, uh, just uh…WHEW!

        Personally, I could not care any less about this guy, his story, his wife’s ‘misery’ or embarrassment this time around, nor do I care about the types of IDIOTS in NYC who would even consider voting for him. But some of the headlines on this story have been worth the time.

        This one for Rand’s Posting is mild, ‘Younger Women like Weiner’, compared to some of them.

        At the start, Weiner Plunges In.

        But things went south quickly, Weiner, just fell off…but not before…

        Erection Update: Weiner stays in.

        Then, the news was out, that Weiner was a wanker!

        Poll: Weiner goes Soft

        But he hung in there!

        Weiner Sticks it out.

        Ultimately, he lost some support, and Weiners need support, just ask the people at Dick’s Sporting Goods! So my personal fav, after his Campaign Mngr left and some other personnel too,

        Weiner running with Short Staff.

    1. ‘zilla.
      it’s a myth that a big nose means anything with respect to how tall Wiener is.

  3. I’m not certain these precious young ladies knew what they were voting for exactly. Was it made clear they were approving of his methods, his morals, or possibly his actual manhood? I’m sure the pictures are out there by now, and you know how those crazy people on the inter-webs like to Photoshop.

    1. Look at the criteria:

      Women rated power his most attractive quality. Second place was his occupation followed by intelligence, money and looks.

      Morality didn’t even make it to the top 5 attributes.

      1. I would think he’d have to have a discernible, visible, outward sense of morality for it to be an attribute.

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