10 thoughts on “Obama As Manager”

      1. then perhaps President Bush-43 can give the keynote at the 2016 GOP Convention.
        Somehow he got left off the guest list in 2012.

        1. Yes, that “somehow” is that Mr. George W. Bush is a modest man who chose to stand down from a national role after his two terms as President.

    1. Probably because he looked brilliant compared to his predecessor.

      Perhaps, but looks are often deceiving especially for those so willing to be deceived. Obama, prior to assuming the presidency, had essentially zero management or executive experience. He has less private sector experience than many teenagers. But he had nicely pressed pants, the right resume and spoke well when reading from a teleprompter. For some people, that was enough for Obama to look intelligent and capable. Reality has proven otherwise but some people can’t be desuaded from his delusions of adequacy.

      1. Don’t forget a press that went to all lengths to avoid asking him any questions that would cause his campaign any trouble.

  1. There is a simple fix to Healthcare.gov.

    They tell me that the State site in Kentucky is the only one that actually functions. Take the Kentucky site, clone it however many times for each of the other states, and for the Federal version, paste the photo of Healthcare.gov Girl on it.

    Yes I know, their Governor is a Democrat, but many of the other Democrats, including the one in the White House, can’t pull this off. Just think, Kentucky, the rubist of rube states, the Heart of Flyover Country, leading the way.

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