ObamaCare And The Widening Disconnect

A good piece by Salena Zito:

Our relationship with government is in shambles, our feeling of disconnect with Washington at an historic level.

Yet the real problem is not a health-care website that doesn’t work. The real problem is a president and a Washington culture which both believe it is okay to lie to get a bill passed.

Hey, gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. As I said before, I hope that this is an asteroid smashing an ideology.

One thought on “ObamaCare And The Widening Disconnect”

  1. My fear is it’s just the wide swing before the turn. It’s not just the left that over reaches. People voting either way does not mean they’ve fundamentally matured (hopefully some have.) The danger being, we move to the right, something outrageous happens and we swing back violently to the left (try to imagine it being worse than Obama and his ilk… I know. It is really hard to imagine because we couldn’t even imagine Obama.)

    Forgive me for saying, but my doubts in biblical prophesy are being erased as I watch (jaw dropped and popcorn spilling on the floor.)

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