Richard Cohen, Bigot

Hey, can I play this game?

Let’s try:

“People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the junior senator from Texas — a white man who actually believes in the anarchy and selfishness of ‘limited government,’ and opposes communism and even socialism, (Should I mention that he claims to be Hispanic?) He represents the cultural changes that have enveloped parts — but not all — of America. To leftists, this doesn’t look like their country at all.”

[Thursday-morning update]

Thoughts on Cohen’s Tea Party fantasies from Dave Weigel.

5 thoughts on “Richard Cohen, Bigot”

  1. What kind of person thinks “smaller” is equivalent (or even nearly equivalent) to “anarchy”? Particularly when it’s nearly always aimed at the federal government as opposed to all government.

    A) Nice simple laws and regulations: “THIS is a kilogram.” and “It is false advertising (andor theft, fraud and others) to claim a higher mass than the actual mass”.

    B) The government requires every bag of Cheetos (and -all- other products!) to be individually weighed by NIST before sale.

    Hmm. One of them requires much less work to achieve exactly the same goal. People choosing A must be anarchist morons.

    1. Remember Al, we have morons that come to this blog and claim Obamacare and Medicaid are “free markets”.

  2. Life inside the echo chamber, folks. He’s not only not saying anything he doesn’t believe; he’s not saying anything anyone he knows would disagree with. There really are two Americas, and only one of them is also congruent with reality.

  3. The amazing thing is that leftist publications were speaking out about this attack. Did he do something to get thrown under the bus? Because he isn’t saying anything different than what Obama and the Democrats have been saying for years.

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