23 thoughts on “Laws”

  1. Imagine the irony if legislators were criminally liable for any law they voted for that resulted in a death?

  2. A good rule of thumb, regardless of whatever infraction attracted police attention, is don’t try and fight the cops to get out of being arrested.

    I live in a poor white town, and no one marches when a white person gets killed by a cop. Often people nod their heads that the person was being a dumba**. But we have also had numerous cases where the police abuse their authority, kill too quickly, and lie about the events that took place. This is just one example, the death of Otto Zehm .

    The notion that police only abuse black people or other minorities is wrong. The Democrat protesters are wrong. Making this about race only places wedges between the races and political parties. Democrats are protesting, doing so in the militant Democrat fashion, and excluding those who are not Democrats. Because the Democrats have appropriated the deaths of these people and protest as a Democrat party activity, they imply that the people to blame in our two party system are Republicans.

    My advice to Democrat protesters is to drop the race angle and be inclusive of all examples of police behaving badly. It wouldn’t serve their political goals but it might actually lead to solving problems.

    Also, the media should be investigating the groups that are organizing the protests. They are well organized with communications infrastructure, professsional protesters, capos to lead protests, funding from wealthy donors, lawyers, and enabling politicians. The public deserves to know the back story about who these people are. It isn’t something that should be withheld from the public. Even if you agree with the protesters, I bet you would like to know more about the people who are organizing these protests.

    1. Won’t happen, because the left love the police, so long as they’re the ones telling the police who to kill. It’s not as though their left-wing utopia would be anything other than a police state.

  3. It can never be about race with the right, ever. Right? You can tell me with a straight face you think that if you (presumably white…at least Rand is) were selling loose cigarettes on that street, you would’ve been taken down with a chokehold.

    1. Another female sergeant, Kizzy Adoni, made a similar statement in the report. She “believed she heard” Garner say he was having difficulty breathing. Adoni also said “The perpetrator’s condition did not seem serious and he did not appear to get worse.”

      Kizzy Adoni is black and was supervising the arrest of Eric Garner. She could have demanded the other officers provide aid to Eric Garner. She did not, based on her assumptions as quoted.

      Dave, will you ever look at the evidence prior to making prejudicial statements?

      Dave, tell us how many protestors you saw blocking streets after this incident:

      The wife of an 80-year-old man who was shot dead by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies in a mistaken meth lab raid

      I found that story by simply doing a search on “officers kill innocent no knock raid”. I knew to search for that because Reason has been covering the deaths of many innocent Americans of every race from brutal police tactics. They have been doing this for quite a long time. And in case you think because of my example, Reason doesn’t cover blacks killed by white officers; Dave, have you heard of this story from September:
      An Ohio grand jury found officers’ actions were justified in last month’s fatal shooting of a man holding an air rifle at a Wal-Mart store, a special prosecutor said Wednesday.

    2. Dave,

      When I was a kid my friend was walking me down a hallway toward some L.A. cops. I was not in any condition to be nor was I belligerent. That didn’t stop one of the cops from throwing me to the ground and putting me in a choke hold. Later, among his buddies, he joked that he could have popped my head like a pimple.

      I spent a night in jail and was released by a jailer the next day with profuse apologies because he knew what those cops did was wrong.

      Why did these cops do this? Probably in frustration because that area of L.A. was not friendly to cops and if they couldn’t strike those that threw abuse at them at least they had me. I was a kid in the job corp (student govt. president at the time) which the cops referred to as the whore corp (the p is silent, Barack.) I’m about as white as they get. So with all due respect, stuff your racist bullshit, Dave.

    3. I didn’t say it can never be about race. But if I were arrested for that, I wouldn’t have resisted.

      There is zero evidence that either incident was about race. In Staten Island, the lead officer in charge was a black woman.

    4. “It can never be about race with the right, ever. Right? ”

      Nobody ever said that. Lots of people have said there will always be racists (of many different colors).


          I never said you were a ‘race denier’, whatever that is. On the other hand, I’ve only ever seen you say that one case or another is ‘not about race’. Is there any historical case you would say *was* about race? Was Rodney King about race? I’m sincerely curious.

          1. Emmett Till was certainly about race. Most lynchings in the South (almost exclusively by Democrats) were about race. I have no idea if Rodney King was or not.

    5. I could cite around five incidents from the last couple months of white people being killed by cops and this is just from the area I live in. None of them will make the national news. No one will be protesting for them. How many similar stories are there around the country that we never hear about?

      IMO, what happened in Ferguson and NYC had nothing to do with race. They may not have even had anything to do with police behaving badly. I am open to supporting law enforcement reforms but I am turned off by the exclusionary protests centered on race, Democrats appropriating these deaths for their grab bag of political causes, and the accusations that anyone who disagrees with the socialism for Brown marchers is a racist.

      I think Democrat activist leaders realize this and are OK with it because they don’t really care about ending racism or police brutality but rather creating racial divisions to support their larger political goals.

  4. The linked article says “never to support a law they are not willing to kill to enforce.”

    This is one of those things libertarians say that sounds profound but really isn’t. We might as well say “never drive anywhere you’re not prepared to die getting to.”

    In law, there is a risk that even a trivial offense, if the offender ignores the system enough, will result in a forcible arrest. In driving, there’s a risk every time one gets in a vehicle for even a short trip that the trip will end with a fatal accident. In driving, we recognize that, accept it, and work to make driving safer with things like airbags.

    We should do the same thing with arrests. We should recognize that some people are going to get arrested for trivial matters because they simply won’t comply. However, we should work to make these arrests safer. If, to use the Cliven Bundy example, it’s safer to ignore the arrest and garnish the proceeds of his cattle sales, maybe we need to do that. But saying “reduce laws to reduce minor arrests” is like saying “reduce driving to avoid traffic accidents.”

    1. Clive Bundy is the law because he was supported by an armed organization of sufficient armed force.

      1. Clive Bundy is the law because he was supported by an armed organization of sufficient armed force.

        Also called anarchy. Also called treason. Take your pick.

    2. But…but driving consumes fossil fuels, which puts carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which causes climate change, which is killing billions of people every day. Shouldn’t we reduce driving to reduce the number of billions of people we kill every day?

    3. If safety is your highest priority, then not resisting arrest would have been the safest thing to do. In both of the high profile cases this year, resisting arrest was the cause of death.

      So, for the safety of the perpetrator and the public, the solution is to keep the thugs in jail so that they don’t hurt themselves by committing crimes. It will also help wannabe thugs realize the implications of their behavior. And the public safety of the citizenry will increase.

      Of course, the reason this man was under arrest was because NYC couldn’t get their greedy little hands on cigarette tax money. The safest solution in this case was to quit micro-regulating peoples lives.

    4. This is one of those things libertarians say that sounds profound but really isn’t. We might as well say “never drive anywhere you’re not prepared to die getting to.”

      Which, if you think about it, rather than just use it as a throwaway talking point is a deep observation about human action and risk. Generally, we have all implicitly agreed that merely driving is not only worth the risk to the occupants of the vehicle, but everyone else who is placed at an elevated level of risk due to that additional act of driving. We don’t even question whether someone should be on the road (unless they are taking obvious risks like driving while impaired or acting in an unsafe way (I’m driving while my buddy on the roof of the car holds down the mattress).

  5. Chris Gerrib is just fine with killing people over petty regulations.

    Now going on to the race angle…
    While racial hatred is real (humans are tribal creatures), it seems that TPTB never seem to have a consistent definition for “racism”. And they apply “racism” on an inconsistent basis. So for the SJW’s that are bleating on race… Please define the term “racism”.

      1. “Don’t ask for that. They’ll define it in a way to support the SJ narrative.”

        But it’s fun when it puts them into mental contortions and causes them to state positions that are ridiculous.

    1. Racism is any white non-Democrat or “the system,” which has always been racist. OK that is my view of what their definition is but there own definition is fairly similar.

      Racism, to SJWs, has two components, race and power. The race component centers on how only white people can be racist. That sounds absurd to anyone who has heard a minority go on a racist rant. This is where power comes in. In order to be a racist, you have to have power over other people, holding bigoted views toward others races doesn’t really matter as long as you don’t have power, or are perceived as not having power. Having power matters. This also sounds absurd if you believe in the existence of poor white people, Oprah, minorities working in government, or minorities being elected to office.

      SJWs believe that black people have no power and thus can not be racist, even if they use racial slurs and hate other races. They believe all white people are racist but if you agree that all white people are racist and that minorities can’t be racist, you are no longer a racist. However, you do have privilege, which must be atoned for. This means that white people have to give things up, either material goods or goods of stature, to minorities. If you agree, you are not a racist, if you disagree you are a racist.

      Basically it just boils down to in group out group identity politics. Either take the Democrat party position or be a racist. Don’t want to be a racist? Then you have convert to being a Democrat, then it doesn’t matter what you say or think about other races. You gain absolution by supporting the in group. How does this work? Just like there can’t be racist minorities, there can’t be racist Democrats, even if they say racist things or hate other races.

      This is why Obama can say he knows an immigrant by how they look, Hillary can say she met Gandhi at the 7/11, and Biden can make Asian jokes without being labeled racist. Everyone knows Romney or any other non-Democrat could not say those things without being labeled as racist by SJWs.

  6. So is it really about race?

    The report also reveals the supervising officer who responded to the scene in plainclothes, believed to be Sergeant Dhanan Saminath, arrived on the scene once Garner was down.

    The sergeant said he “did not observe the perpetrator (Garner) make any statements” and “did not appear to be in great distress.”


    Another female sergeant, Kizzy Adoni, made a similar statement in the report. She “believed she heard” Garner say he was having difficulty breathing. Adoni also said “The perpetrator’s condition did not seem serious and he did not appear to get worse.”

    ow that the Staten Island Grand Jury has spoken and declined to indict NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the murder of Eric Garner, it is reported that an African-American, female sergeant was on the scene that fateful day. Sergeant Kizzy Adoni, present during the detention and subsequent use of force, apparently failed to intercede on behalf of the obviously distressed and pleading Eric Garner.

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