12 thoughts on “Joe Biden”

  1. If you want to see what happens when people overlook all of your flaws and issues because you have a parenthetical D after your name, look no further than Diamond Joe Biden…

    Someone with his history of gaffes, behavior and policy failures would not have survived this long were he a Republican. If Biden were a Republican and if he was on the 2008 ticket all of America would know the name Neil Kinnock because Biden’s plagarism of his speeches in 1988 would have been brought up on a daily basis…

    But since he is a democrat, the media just sighs and shakes their collective heads like one would at the slightly off kilt uncle we all have in the family…

  2. I’ve often talked about Biden as a 2016 candidate. I think the amount of time he’s been spending in Iowa indicates he’s at least thinking of a run (and he’s run before).

    Do I think he’d be an astoundingly awful choice, for a whole heck of a lot of reasons? Yup. But that doesn’t mean I don’t take him seriously as a candidate. I think he’s about #3 in a ranking of likely Dem contenders.

    Oh, and to those who think a Biden run, and even a Biden win in the general, in 2016 is preposterous, I’ve got two words for you: Barack Obama. At this point in 2007, no one was taking him seriously, either, because Hillary Clinton was “inevitable”.

  3. They told us that if we voted for John McCain in 2008, we’d have an idiot just a heartbeat away from the presidency, and they were right!

    If the words “President Joe Biden” don’t fill you with a sense of mortal dread, you have not been paying attenthion. Biden is the best impeachment and assassination insurance Obama could possibly buy. The man is an idiot.

      1. As would I. Biden is an oafish lout who would have been drummed out of politics by the Feminazi’s if he were Republican. But I don’t see him as politically powerful or a good fundraiser. He could be rolled.

        Obama is simply malevolent.

      2. I prefer that drooling idiots are nowhere near the proverbial “button” or Commander in Chief of the armed forces. Domestically, Biden probably wouldn’t do much more damage than Obama. Internationally, that may not be the case. Plus, if Obama were impeached and Biden made president, he would be the incumbent in 2016. It’s quite difficult to beat the incumbent president. It’s only happened three times (Ford, Carter, Bush ’41) in the last 80 years.

        1. Domestically, Biden probably wouldn’t do much more damage than Obama. Internationally, that may not be the case.

          I just don’t see this problem.

          Plus, if Obama were impeached and Biden made president, he would be the incumbent in 2016. It’s quite difficult to beat the incumbent president.

          Biden would have to win the democrat primary first. I just can’t see him surviving that.

  4. Democrats thought a lot of The Silky Pony as a prospective president too. And John “Magic Hat” Kerry, who’s out embarrassing our country even now. And Hillary was a big fave too, and still might be. And let’s not forget Al “Climate Profiteer!” Gore…
    Hm. It’s almost like there’s a trend here…

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