34 thoughts on “Lefty Lunacy On Space Settlement”

  1. What’s sad is that these fools really don’t get it. It’s all about their racial victim privilege. They can’t grasp that the future is theirs for the taking, if only they’d stop trying to tear down what others have already achieved.

    Crabs in a bucket.

  2. The lady’s argument seems to be that the only people talking about space policy are those actually interested in space policy. The assumption being that an interest in putting humans in space on a permanent basis is a sign of evil (as in white) intent. A very silly argument to make.

  3. Has anyone figured out why NASA continues to pay Billings for her “communications research”? How does her uninformed opinionating contribute to NASA’s mission?

  4. Oh, that’s hilarious, and I loved Homer Hickam’s replies, especially as I also come from the “privilege” of Appalachian coal mining.

    A couple of years ago I I was debating a SJW who went overboard on white privilege and slavery and they wandered into the position that the slave trade should never have happened, which to them seems as obvious as sending someone back in time to kill Hitler. But history’s evils have consequences, and the consequence of that position is an all-white America – because there isn’t any rational alternative history where Europeans sent sailing ships to Africa to offer free transatlantic trips. It would effectively erase every black American off the face of the Earth – and in almost any debate it’s trivially easy to get SJW’s to go there and hang themselves. To them, moral decisions have no bad consequences, and immoral decisions have no good consequences, and thus it’s easy to make their little heads explode.

    1. And Africa pretty much sucks. The USA may not be perfect and we have a troubled history but there is a reason everyone wants to move here. Yes, some her ancestors were slaves, join the club, but she isn’t and she lives in a country that people in Africa would love to move to.

      She should drop the historical grudge from events hundreds of years ago and appreciate where she is today while respecting her family’s journey. She may be black but we are all Americans. Being a slave owner and a slave are part of our cultural heritage. We are all slaves and all slave owners. We all did the Bataan Death March. We all walked on the Moon.

      Being American means you are part of a larger experience, sometimes good and others bad but you don’t get to pick and choose which. History already happened.

    2. Oh dear, you wrote that: “it’s trivially easy to get SJW’s to go there and hang themselves.”

      Give me pearls to clutch, I’m going to need the vapors.

  5. Hello, DNLee.

    If you’re reading this, I want to tell you that it’s pathetic that you use your ancestors misfortunes to line your pockets.

    If they were alive today, they’d be telling you to get off your ass, check your minority privilege at the door and contribute to society.

  6. I wonder if that lady realizes she comes across as a racist herself? Like totally batsh** racist and ignorant of human history and our budget to boot.

  7. Wow. While there are internal battles in the space community over private versus government, etc., from my experience, racial division is a pretty low issue for us. As in well below the noise level.

    All races and genders, and personal backgrounds, can be found here and all seem to be genuinely dedicated to their work and their goals. This SJW stuff is so toxic, it’s like the black mold of our social construct…

  8. I think that it speaks highly of my mind’s automatic self-defense reaction that I find it impossible to take the linked blog seriously.

    Not so highly of my mind’s refusal to deal with the horror of reality, but hey.

  9. I wonder if she’s ever heard of Mae Jemison. At Icarus Interstellar, there were a few representatives from the 100 Year Starship project. Most were black women who really, really liked the idea of space colonization. It would have been rude to ask for credentials, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had science or engineering degrees from universities.

  10. Wow, and I thought this article on how the racist white men that wrote Unicode are keeping minority languages off the Web was unhinged.

  11. I am “lefty” a lot of my friends are also, and a lot of conservative friends. It is only myself and one other that brings up space, exploration, settlement.
    For all of our back and forths on the why’s the hows.. something that has NEVER came up by either side is manifest destiny. For myself and almost all others is bottom line. Is the funding being wasted on space, could it be utilized more effieciently on something else, how to make a buck .. can you make a buck .. et cetera..

    But the columbus, colonization, manifest destiny crap .. has never been a part of the conversation, and online . never see it in the space groups I comment on .. so I wonder .. who says all the crap they claim the space crowd is saying?

    1. To be fair, the phrase is used once in a while, usually by people who don’t really understand the implications. I was joking yesterday when I tweeted “Humanity’s Burden.” But I do believe that.

  12. Homer,

    If you are reading this, I will help look for your missing ‘White Privilege’ card next time I am down in the Coalwood/Caretta area. Next week I have to go to Panther so I won’t likely be able to look for a bit.

    I suspect your Dad or Papaw left it in a deep mine or perhaps laying next to their black lung cards.

    I think my Papaw left ours somewhere while cutting mining props near Bossievain or my Dad left it somewhere in the hedgerows of France or along the Rhine, perhaps your father left yours somewhere in Europe or the Pacific too.

    Please let me know if I can help!

  13. Rand, you weren’t trolling.. or you need more practice at it.

    As a bit of an experiment I decided to let the anti-capitalist race-victim have the microphone and actually listen to what she was saying. I think the result was good and we should do it more.

    I learnt that you don’t need to shoot down social justice warriors.. just give ’em enough rope and they’ll hang the entire species. You’d be surprised how many spectators, nodding along, will snap out of it if you just say “tell me more” enough times. The worst thing you can do is stop a lefty talking before they tell you how much they hate humanity.

  14. This garbage reminds me of the crap that the late Mao Zeodong inflicted on the Chinese people during his late 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution. Chinese higher education and the military got caught up in the “Red vs. Expert” debate. I think people can guess what that was about. Outside of military R&D most scientific activity stopped, and many Chinese scinetists and engineers were sent to the countryside to “learn from the peasants.” I know, I met some of these people. Chinese universities were closed during CR and not reopened until 1976, when the reformer under Deng Xiaoping realized China was about to become hopelessly behind the rest of the world. For a period of about ten years, Chinese scitech tottered along on the effort of 5000 senior scientists and engineers.

  15. Sorry about the typos, but at my end, every time I tried to type in a correction, the text would flip to the bottom of the page.

  16. I absolutely despise this term, but I can’t help myself:

    On the other hand, Tumblr and (increasingly) Twitter seem to be nice, humane venues for institutionalizing the insane compared to the physical institutions of times past. And unlike spectators at Bedlam, those inclined to seek entertainment value from the inmates’ strange antics don’t have to pay for the privilege or even visit the premises. Win win, you might say.

  17. I really ought to spend more time on Twitter; it seems I’m always late for the party. My contribution to the twitter conversation: “The meek shall inherit the Earth. The bold will go and take the rest of the universe.”

  18. I think it INVISIBLES all other forms of humanity”

    It is a long time since I was in college, but when did ‘invisibles’ become a verb?

    And by ‘other forms of humanity’, does she mean the Neanderthals and Desnisovans?

  19. Woe is me, born into a body others consider sub-human and beneath moral consideration due to my skin pigment and type of gonads. This systematic social oppression has driven me in a search past the ends of the Earth to find and make a home where I can live free of it. Yet that same system has burdened and limited my ability to develop the skills and financial capability I need to do so, and have pressed upon me, all my life, the sins of my ancestors as a moral burden I can never be relieved of. And now, to even speak of a means of escaping this unearned eternal condemnation and social aggression in a hopeful way is vociferously denounced as evidence of my alleged moral depravity, for which I should probably be shackled and made extra harmless to those I have never harmed.

    Good thing I’ve never accepted all that rot.

  20. It’s worth colonizing Mars just to get away from entitled losers like DNLee.

    Let’s see how she fares when all of the productive people leave. Maybe Mars will be our Galt’s Gulch.

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