Welcome To Hillary Island

…a pleasant little police state.

I’m sure she’d like to expand its boundaries to encompass the entire nation.

[Update a few minutes later]

Hillary Clinton, America’s most boring public speaker? Well, that’s probably an overstatement, but she’s certainly the most prominent one.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Yesterday is over. Compare and contrast.

[Update a while later]

There is only the fight:

So now we have the spectacle of a woman of not only no accomplishment but negative accomplishment (Benghazi, Libya, Russia), who by rights probably ought to be jail, running what to the Leftist media is a credible campaign for the presidency. In a sense, she is the anti-Barack Obama, a candidate about whom we knew (and still know) almost next to nothing when he suddenly appeared in the Oval Office. By contrast, we already know far too much about Hillary Rodham Clinton, and perhaps that is the problem. After a while, it all blurs: Whitewater, Travelgate, the missing FBI files, Vince Foster, Charlie Trie, Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood, the Clinton Foundation, the missing State Department emails, etc., etc. And not only does it blur, but it creates in the public’s mind a perverse sense of her innocence — after all, if there was something there, wouldn’t she have been arrested and brought low by now? Instead, she keeps soaring, a lead balloon defying the laws of the United States and of gravity.

In short, the more she gets away with the more she can get away with. How do you deal with someone like this?

…She’s interested in “campaign finance reform” because (like McCain) it was her ox that was gored by the Citizens United decision. She’s “fighting” for “national security” because it was on her watch that the world went to hell in a handcart. She “fighting” for the economy, even though it was under the Obama presidency that the country has spent seven years in misery and penury, with only the crony capitalists like the Clintons living high on the hog. And she’s “fighting” for families because it is her political party whose policies have been at the heart of the destruction of the American nuclear family. Besides, her own family — which has been looting treasuries around the globe in the name of its “charity” — is doing just fine, thanks.

“There is only the fight.” And she means it. The problem is, the only thing Hillary Clinton thinks worth fighting for is herself.


8 thoughts on “Welcome To Hillary Island”

  1. That Hillary could even be seriously suggested for president is an indication of how far America has fallen (can we get up?)

    If elected? I can’t even imagine.

    The bad news is anyone elected from the GOP will squander the opportunity.

      1. In conversations with a couple of connected Republicans, I gather that Jeb has spent the last 2 or 3 years doing “favors” for various Republican powers that be – and WILL be the nominee based on that fact alone. Frankly, I’d almost prefer Hillary to Bush III, who will be the Admiral Nagumo of any conservative resurgence.

        1. I’ve already switched party affiliation. Please, Republicans, don’t give me a reason to quit voting altogether.

  2. If she got elected someone in the government would have to assassinate her to protect vital US national security, since she can be blackmailed by all the enemy governments that hacked her e-mail server.

    Hostile nations spend inordinate resources trying to compromise top US officials. In her case it’s a done deal.

    1. What makes you think she wouldn’t be doing the same things that our enemies want us to do? In which case blackmail is irrelevant.

  3. It reminds me of Dave’s Law for captioning all New Yorker cartoons as “I’m going to kill myself.” But, given the way the GOPe is scr*wing their voters with this trade stuff, I think I’ll vote for her anyway, thus hastening the apocalypse.

  4. In a nation of 330 million people, if you can’t find candidates from more than two families, then you may as well have just stuck with the Windsors, Tudors, and Stuarts.

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