13 thoughts on “Bobby Kennedy Jr.”

  1. “I’ll never understand Kennedy worship.”

    Some people want to be ruled by a king. They’re not even subtle about it – “Camelot”. Such people are unfit to be Americans, but you’re stuck with them anyhow.

  2. Easy. JFK was our best looking President. Pulchritude can make up for a lot of personal failings in peoples’ eyes.

    1. Indeed. Notice how important the Khardasians are to certain people, and what exactly is their best trait? How much does their story really differ from the trailer park lifestyle of the Kennedy’s?

  3. The Kennedys are the American Borgias – glamorous depraved monsters who never really stood for anything but the pursuit of personal gain by any means necessary. They should be seen as America’s most successful crime family, except perhaps the Clintons. But hey, I’m British and I find all that stuff about “titles of nobility” in the Constitution to be hilarious. You’ve got a nobility in all but name and it resembles what ours was like 200 years ago. You might as well swear allegiance to the Queen and join the EU. At this point, what difference does it make?

  4. Reflected glory from JFK, the youngest, handsomest president ever. and he died before he could disappoint anyone.

    Actually he had a lot of good points. He was in favor of strong defense and understood supply side economics. If he ran for President today he’d have to run as a Republican.

    On the other hand, he was a notorious womanizer and was addicted to pain killers, so maybe he’d have to run Democrat after all.

    1. Actually he had a lot of good points. He was in favor of strong defense and understood supply side economics.

      And the days of Democrats being anti-communism died with Kennedy.

      1. Not all of them by any means. There were quite a few Democrats who were hard on communism into the 1980s. After that, their numbers declined pretty sharply until there were few, if any, left.

  5. I must, in due fairness, make some small defense of JFK. Watching the Nixon-Kennedy debate is a real downer when you compare it to the variety shows they call debates today. Both candidates were quire sharp, and displayed in-depth knowledge of the issues.

    Kennedy’s speeches were inspirational. They may have been written by others, but his delivery was spot on. I doubt we would have gotten to the Moon without him, and that obviously had a great impact on the lives of a lot of people here.

    As MarkD comments, he had his head screwed on right economically. He did not rely on self-defeating envy and divisiveness to gain and maintain power. Or at least, if he did, that message has not stood out sharply in the histories.

    And, while he missteped and invited aggressions from the East, he did at least stand up and resist the aggressions when they were in play – no drawing “red lines” and backing off when the opponent accepted the challenge.

    All told, I would put him at the front rank of probably any Democratic President of the last century, though that admittedly is setting the bar fairly low.

    1. I doubt we would have gotten to the Moon without him.

      Actually, we probably wouldn’t have gotten to the moon with him. He likely would have canceled it if he’d lived. He was already getting concerned with the cost in ’63.

      1. Not to mention that Apollo was a Triumph In Name Only (TIMO). Because it left us with a bureaucracy that pretends it’s advancing spaceflight when about 90% of it has been inhibiting progress in the area for 50 years.

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