3 thoughts on “The Latest Outrage From The Left”

  1. Well, if Hillary gets elected, police will never have to investigate a rape again. “Nurse Ratched” has said that women who claim they have been raped have a right–RIGHT, mind you–to be believed. That should simplify if not eliminate the investigative process, along with trial by jury. You say this guy raped you, sister? Well, I gotta believe you–case closed! Book ‘im, Dano!

  2. Dunno another example of the leftist outrage, the kid out in Texas who “made” a “clock”, or more likely a dissembled clock taken out of it original case put inside a partially metal pencil box. Then brings into school to show to his engineering teacher but someone who he didn’t intend or was talking to saw it first and thought it was suspicious looking possibly bomb. The school and police reacted, as we have want them to in a hyper sensitive time and with the school. But because his name is Ahmed Mohamed and Muslim it becomes national news. And all the liberals are getting there panties in twist for discrimination and our Uniter and Chief decides to get involved with another local matter that he has no business getting involved in and invites the kid to the white house and bring the “Clock” which probably wouldn’t have been able to pass thru TSA let alone a White house security.
    And touting how smart this kid is. And everyone who brings up the racist seems to forget this incident
    or any plastic water gun, drawn gun incident brought to school. Don’t remember a president inviting the kid who drew the gun to the white house and show his artwork.

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