18 thoughts on “Doctoring Intelligence To Fit A Narrative”

      1. What we need is an investigation to get to the bottom of this and provide recommendations for regulations that will prevent this systemic problem from happening again.

  1. IMHO, what matters most here is the who and the why;
    Who caused this, and why?

    It could be something like a few top brass biasing the intel to fit what they think the admin wants. If so, they need firing. However, I find this scenario hard to fathom. A more plausible scenario is the admin indicated the results they wanted to see, and some intel brass complied.

    Top scandal of the Obama administration? That’s a mighty high bar, but maybe.

    Personally, my candidate for top scandal, at the moment, is Biden’s big mouth revealing classified info by identifying Seal Team Six as the Bin Laden team, resulting in them getting targeted by the Taliban. 22 Seals and 9 other US personnel died as a result.

    I have many other candidates for biggest Obama admin scandal; there are so many to choose from.

    1. Benghazi is my pick. The US consulate was under siege and begging for help. A US Navy rescue force was just offshore and preparing to intervene. Someone–probably Hillary Clinton, who isn’t even in the chain of command–presumed to order the Navy to stand down, and four Americans died as a result.

      1. The GOP House Intelligence committee reported that it “found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support.”

        FWIW, the U.S. did not have a consulate in Benghazi; it was a diplomatic mission.

          1. A House GOP report only sets an upper bound on how much of a scandal there is, not a lower bound.

            It doesn’t do that when so much evidence has been withheld and destroyed.

        1. FWIW, Hillary and Obama have responded very poorly to what they did to Libya and what happened to our people there. They even went so far as to scapegoat a minority immigrant and throw him in jail.

          We get crickets from the “anti-war” crowd and the media seems unconcerned with the unprecedented death and destruction that follow Obama’s policies. Cultures that have existed for thousands of years have been wiped out due in large part to Obama’s and Democrat’s policies.

          Libya is a disaster from beginning to end.

          And Libya is just part of a larger problem with Obama’s and Hillary’s foreign policy which has helped the ME and Africa enter into one of the bloodiest eras in history.

        2. Noah can either believe Jim and the intelligence provided to the House committee, or he can read the book written from interviews with security personnel that survived the event.

          1. Regarding those personnel, see the committee’s fact sheet:

            Statements by individual eyewitnesses, in particular former security contractors who were in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11-12, 2012, do not present the complete picture of what happened that night. The Committee’s Report is based on the totality of the evidence it received and all the testimony of witnesses taken under oath and on the record. The facts described in the Report comport with the findings of other committees in Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee.

  2. The Left seems to do this as their first resort. They’ve been doctoring climate research to advance the CAGW narrative at the expense of science’s reputation, so why not fiddle with intelligence reports on similar grounds? The only downside is the damage to national security and who cares about that hairy old chestnut anyway?

    1. This idea of respect for objective truth is a 19th Century bourgeois affectation, and is NOT be part of the Scientific Marxist-Leninist society the Party Vanguard wants to bring us.

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