Gina McCarthy, John Koskinen

…and other obstructers of justice. Congress should impeach them. And remove them. They should have done it with Holder, too.

Yes. Impeachment is used far too seldom, largely, I think, because political partisanship has come to take precedence over Congressional prerogatives against the Executive. The Founders would be appalled at the degree to which partisans in Congress allow the Constitution and law to be spit on.

8 thoughts on “Gina McCarthy, John Koskinen”

  1. Its not too late to impeach holder, and lerner….and make certain that the conviction includes prohibitions against any federal office (including being a member of a federal bar).

  2. The almost complete non use of impeachment–let alone removal–was an early warning that our republic had serious flaws in its checks and balances. Of course, to be fair, the Founders were abundantly clear that checks on power require CONSTANT vigilance.

  3. The impeachment proceeding needs -something- that presses the congresscritters towards honesty, somehow.

    Like, maybe, requiring them to “vote” by on camera statement, with only a short list of valid statements. “No, Thing X is not a crime.” “No, Person X did not do the crime.”

    Ammunition for the next election cycle if they can be portrayed as wildly at odds with the evidence themselves.

    1. It’s occurred to me that what we need is some sort of independent body of, say, censors, whose sole role is investigating and removing those who need removal.

        1. No, I’m serious. The problem, of course, is how to keep these censors as independent as possible of the parties. Frankly, I think we’d be better served purging the scum that’s developed at the “top” than in attempting most other reforms. So long as we have the unprincipled operating increasingly without real legal restriction, we’re in serious trouble.

          For anything like this to ever happen, enough people need to be willing to place checks and balances/liberty ahead of goodies. So far, we don’t appear to have those kind of numbers.

          I personally find it shocking that impeachment and removal aren’t common practices, especially given the high levels of corruption and blatantly unconstitutional actions we see these days.

          1. That’d be nice. However, I think it would require an opposition party with some standards and some trace of a backbone. The GOP has lacked both for a very, very, very long time now.

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