36 thoughts on “I’m Angry”

  1. An awful lot of Republicans hate the Dems and hate the GOPe about as much. Who else are they going to vote for, Rand? It’s really that simple. The GOPe created Trump; they’re reaping what they’ve sown.

    1. Agent J,

      The voters you describe “should calm down, and vote for someone else.” The voters you describe should vote for Cruz, “who would be a much better president, and not such a schmuck.”

      (I personally think Cruz would be a schmuck too, but not even remotely as much of one.)

    2. I don’t know who else they are going to vote for, but at least right now, they have a last chance to vote for someone else. Because a Trump/Clinton race would probably be the worst in American history, particularly if one considers oneself a conservative.

      1. That is indeed the way it is shaping up, though.

        And look at it this way: how did Mitt Romney do against Obama? How did John McCain do against Obama? Instead of the Republican establishment getting ahead of the parade and embracing the Tea Party, what happened?

        Do you get the senior Republican senator from Arizona agreeing with the idea of a wall? Who is really speaking for Arizona ranchers, McCain or Trump?

        When Obama won’t utter the phrase “Islamic Terrorism”, as nutbars are screaming Allah Akbar as they kill people in Ft. Hood and San Bernardino, as they try to kill people in Garland, as examples abound – and as Merkel and the rest of European leaders along with Trudeau stumble all over themselves to show their virtue – are average people really being represented in their own countries by their own leaders?

        The Left hates Trump. HATE him. Chicago showed that in spades. Why? Because he’s the Republican front runner. Because he could win. They are comparing him to Hitler now, but they were giving him ratings for years and years on the Apprentice and in public he’s the same guy. They didn’t hate him until he became a candidate.

        Remember, if Trump wants a cookie he always asks for three first. Then there’s haggling back and forth and he ends up with more than he wanted in the first place. It’s right there in The Art of The Deal. A border wall with Mexico, paid for by Mexico is three cookies. One cookie is a secure border, unshackling ICE agents, and efficient deportation of violent criminals.

        1. If Trump asks me for three cookies I’ll tell him what I’d tell any other three-year-old: “HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE!!!???”

        2. I am curious, when President Bush would not say islamic terrorists did you rant against him also?

          “In fact, former President George W. Bush made a very similar remark in a speech he delivered to airline employees just weeks after the 9/11 attacks.
          “Americans understand we fight not a religion,” he said. “Ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil.””

          1. “I am curious, when President Bush would not say islamic terrorists did you rant against him also?”

            Oh but he did say “islamic terrorists”:

            As early as September 2001, he referred to the enemy being “a fringe form of Islamic extremism”

            In January 2002, Mr. Bush was more specific yet, adding that the terrorist underworld includes “groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, [and] Jaish-i-Mohammed.”
            In July of 2004 Bush for the first time used the phrase “Islamic militants,” perhaps his most explicit reference until now to the Islamist threat, saying that until he closed a so-called Islamic charity based in Illinois, the Benevolence International Foundation, it “channel[ed] money to Islamic militants.”

            “The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. ”

            President George W. Bush’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
            United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
            September 20, 2001

            So note that well…”traitors to their own faith”…..what faith is that?



            Lake Wobegone Lutheran?

            Don’t think so…..

        3. “A border wall with Mexico, paid for by Mexico is three cookies.”

          He keeps hinting at some sort of tax or tariff, which would go along with his other not so free trade positions.

        4. The Left hates Trump. HATE him.

          Yes, they hate him so much that they attend his wedding. And bring gifts. The brutes!

          Don’t let a few inconvenient facts burst your hate bubble.

          1. It is worth noting that the Trump Hate began the moment he threw his hat into the presidential ring as a Republican. From that moment on he became the equivalent of Hitler.

      2. “I don’t know” who the alternative is.

        That is the problem. Just like whenever folks ask a question, None of the Above is usually pretty attractive because you get the same crap Obama peddled – look at me and see what you want.

        Trump isn’t perfect, but at this point, much better than the alternatives. Do you really want Clinton or Sanders appointing at least one Supreme Court Judge – not me. Want them to continue Obama care – not me. Want them to keep the flood of illegals coming in – not me.

        Find someone else that is better and then we can debate. W/O that, it is just a straw-man criticism of Trump.

        1. What if people could vote none of the above and we would not have a President? Elections could be repeated yearly or biannually until someone wins.

        2. Do you really want Clinton or Sanders appointing at least one Supreme Court Judge – not me.

          Considering who Trump’s friends are, he might very well appoint the same candidate Hillary would — or even Hillary herself.

          If Hillary nominates candidate X, there’s at least a possibility that Republicans in the Senate will refuse to confirm him. That’s much harder for Republicans to do if the president is (posing as) a Republican.

          But reason and logic must not stand in the way of electing the Great Trump.

      3. Because a Trump/Clinton race would probably be the worst in American history, particularly if one considers oneself a conservative.
        The only opposing tickets I can think of that could possibly be worse is Cornwallis/Arnold…

  2. “I’m angry so I’m voting for Trump.”

    “I’m angry that so many people are voting for Trump, so I’m voting for Clinton.”

    I don’t see much quality of logic anywhere there.

    From Rollcall:

    And I’ve always believed that dispelling this myth about the evil, racist, Republican was at least one of the important functions of a conservatism that wanted to grow.

    Because working diligently at dispelling a myth that’s actively promulgated by your opponents (to a point where today it’s part of their very existence) just feels so good.

    … nope, not much quality there either.

  3. All of this is the result of Establicans fostering and fundraising off Hillary Derangement Syndrome. It’s why we have Obama. It’s why the GOPe pushed Romneycare in 2012, taking Obamacare off the table.

    The last remaining Establishment Republican in the presidential race now is Marco Rubio, and he’s about to drop.

    If Trump is the nominee, the choice in November will be between two Democrats. I don’t vote for Democrats.

  4. Guys – enough of the stages of grief. We’re into bargaining – “please don’t vote for Trump, any of these selections is better”, yada, yada, yada.

    Let’s just skip the depression and go straight to acceptance, OK? Trump and Hillary are nominees. Make your selection and either vote, abstain, or throw it away on a protest candidate. It’s done.

  5. Anyone give any credence to the theory that Trump, allegedly an old pal of Hillary’s, is actually the Alinskyite Witch’s stalking horse, and that his goal is simply to put the GOP in shambles and make it look bad so that Queen Cacklepants can look good by comparison and take the general election? It seems to be going that way.

    1. Hillary does not want to face Trump. I heard the Bernie signs among the protesters was a false flag op by Hillary. With superdelegates Sanders never had a chance.

    2. If so, they may have badly miscalculated. It seems almost like that South Park episode where Mr. Garrison keeps doing more and more outrageous things to try to get fired so he can sue the school board, but each time he gets applauded for his courage and eventually receives an big award.

    3. What if Trump was really the GOP establishment plant? He is wealthy and has worked the system for years, just like the rest of the GOPe. He doesn’t have any ideological center, just like the GOPe. He wants to “make deals” and “get things done”, just like the GOPe. He likes to give money to Democrats to spend, just like the GOPe. He will end up caving in some way on immigration, just like the GOPe.

      The GOPe knows that people are pissed and wont vote for one of them, even a Rubio who was once a Tea Party darling. What better way to retain control as the GOPe than to run a candidate as existing outside the existing power structure, even though he is very much a part of it?

      Now, Trump keeps talking about party unity. Maybe he will pick Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan as his running mate…

    4. Um, nope- that’s pretty stupid and someone would have to be pretty stupid to believe it. I’ve seen the “Ooh Ahh Trump is a stalking horse”- first for Jeb, then for Rubio, now for Hillary or maybe Bernie or maybe Hassan I Sabah- from the same people for months now. Trump is in the race to win it for Trump, and dude, if you ever thought the Republican Party NEEDED any help looking stupid just look in a mirror and say the words, “Hey guys- Amnesty!”

  6. I just love it when Klavan’s ilk thinks they can insult voters into agreeing with them. It’s like watching Democrats during the Bush administration.

  7. I’ve always found when someone is angry it’s a great idea to call them “stupid” too!
    Look, no amount of ‘explaining’ from so-called Conservatives is going to make a dent into the reasoning behind Trump voters because they’re only marginally concerned with the points against Trump being made, and at least half of them don’t even consider themselves as ‘Conservatives’ anyway. I know I don’t anymore, even though I still loath the Democratic Party.
    If we’re simply playing a game of ‘which of these is not like the others,’ – meaning which candidate is least like a member of the political ruling class that has screwed me and mine for at least the past 20 years… then maybe you’ll start to get a clue on why Trump starts looking like the only viable choice for real change. I say ‘start’ because that’s only the tip of the iceberg, and not to be meant as any one defining characteristic.
    The combative aspects of Trump are another trait that many traditional Republicans now find attractive rather than recoiling from. Are they angry? Largely yes, but how can you blame them for it? They’ve seen the same gracious losers and weak-kneed capitulators who lead the Republican party, and now rail against Trump, fold like a cheap Bernie Sanders suit every time a Democrat whispers “boo.” They see how radical and organized the Liberal onslaught has become, and they don’t want another meek and respectable loser facing the Hildebeast in the arena in November. They want a fire-snorting gladiator who will gleefully cut her to metaphorical ribbons.
    So Trump’s campaign rhetoric is devoid of details and doesn’t add up? SO WHAT?! Who at this point believes a thing any candidate says during the campaign? To believe campaign promises is beyond the accusations of stupidity leveled at Trump voters… it falls more along the definitions of insanity.
    “Well, Ted Cruz has a record of standing by his word and principles.” Yeah, and he also has a record of getting nothing done because he’s so inflexible that no one can work with him. He’s also another stereotypical bible-thumping Republican who is out-of-step with the currently evolving secular American social consciousness. I’d love to see Cruz as the SCOTUS nominee some day, and I’d love for his dream of abolishing the IRS and getting a flat tax in place, but he simply has very little appeal outside of Evangelicals and hard-core Constitutionalists – which is an increasing minority of even the Republican party. He offers nothing to excite the majority of independents and blue collar Democrats, nor (and I can’t believe I’m going to say this even though it’s now true) does he have the pop-culture iconitude necessary to win the majority of the U.S. electorate over in this bizarre era we now live in.
    I could give you a hundred other reasons why people are voting for Trump, because it is indeed a very complex mix, but the gist remains the same… trying to point out how stupid people are for voting for Trump because of this or that contradiction in policy or the ‘shocking’ use of language that sounds a whole lot like real conversations going on pretty much everywhere but the coastal cocoons is not going to sway any minds or votes to away from Trump – quite the opposite actually. They’re doing more to disassociate people from identifying as ‘Conservative’ than Democrats could ever do.

      1. And, I say that with the caveat that Trump is not my first choice. Not even my second. I didn’t even really like him so much until so many people I despise started hating him.

        Hillary is my last choice. I think Trump has the best chance to beat her. Ergo, barring some unforeseen event, I will vote for Trump.

    1. He’s also another stereotypical bible-thumping Republican who is out-of-step with the currently evolving secular American social consciousness.

      Ignoring the daily dose of Trump bigotry — that “secular social conciousness” is part and parcel of the establishment you claim to oppose (even as you prepare to vote for the apotheosis of the New York establishment).

      he simply has very little appeal outside of Evangelicals and hard-core Constitutionalists – which is an increasing minority of even the Republican party.

      I think I’ve seen that movie before. “Socially conscious” Republicans said the same thing about Ronald Reagan. I’m old enough to remember the ending.

    2. Except that…in my opinion…all the things the Trump voters think they are going to get – like change in DC – will not happen with Trump.

      Lots of people are trying to point this out in lots of different ways, but the Trump-anistas simply will not listen.

      Their disappointment will be legendary.

    1. About the length of generational turnover, in which the young repeat the mistakes of the old when they were young. It’s been a little more than 40 years since this, too:

      “You go back, Jack, do it again,
      Wheel turning round and round.”

      – Do It Again, Steely Dan

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