4 thoughts on “Plastic Bags”

  1. I’m old enough to remember banning paper bags to push plastic bags, because we were destroying the planet by killing too many trees to make paper bags.

  2. I prefer paper bags. They keep their shape, while plastic bags just allow their contents to slop around.

    So spent five weeks in New Zealand earlier this year. They’ve banned bags starting this year. So if you don’t buy a reusable bag or forget it, you dump all your purchases back in the trolley and then take it out to your vehicle where you put everything in your chilly bin or the plastic bags you thoughtfully brought from North America. But they still have the bags in which you put your fresh fruit and vegetables.

  3. Maybe we could recycle plastic bags into plastic-hair shirts for the environmentalists to wear.

  4. A British House of Commons committee looked into this back in about 2006 and concluded that the thin “one use” (really most people use them twice – the second time for garbage to put in the bin), was the least environmental impact by far.
    BTW, boycott New Zealand as a tourist destination. They just jailed a guy for 21 months for sharing the Christchurch video. It has become a totalitarian thuggocracy run by an outright lunatic communist.

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