Back To Basics

The military is being trained (for the first time in decades) how to manage without computers.

This is good, not just as a defense against cyber attacks, but because it will give them a lot more insight. Even when I started my career in aerospace, I worried that young people were being too confident in computer output, without understanding the fundamentals sufficiently to know whether or not it made sense.

3 thoughts on “Back To Basics”

  1. Told my LT many moons ago when GPS was just becoming the new hotness not to trash his compass. Didn’t need batteries, or multiple lines of sight off-planet. Yep, old Sarge was one of those reactionaries that didn’t trust change. And look at me now, on the interwebz.

    My slide rule was more of a ‘whizzwheel’.

  2. This tells me that the military has realized that our future enemies might be Cylons or Terminators.

    But more seriously, computers combined with hubris can be a deadly combination. Germany went all through WW-II assuming that nobody could possibly break the Enigma machine, because German technology and intelligence were unmatched, and so they kept broadcasting all their plans to the Allies. The US could easily make the same mistake, and all the embarrassing hacking incidents may have finally wised got us to wise up.

    If we place too much blind faith in our computer capabilities, we could find ourselves defeated by a clever exploit. The victorious enemy might not even have to crawl out of his mom’s basement.

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