3 thoughts on “Impeachment Comments”

  1. In case anyone gets the idea that this corruption is spotty, and the Deep State consists of isolated chasms, consider this. Until January 20 2017, line of business main office in the FAA had the following portraits on display: The President, Vice President, Secretary of Transportation, the FAA Administrator, and the Associate Administrator of that line of business – in my case, the latter was George Nield. I got a kick out of the fact that my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss was the President of the United States.

    Well, it took over a year for any office to put up new portraits. And every single one that I saw, including AST (prior to my escape), had only the portraits of the President, Vice President, and Secretary of Transportation.

    They’re that childish.

  2. It’s a tell when the media says things like, “career staffer”, “straight shooter”, “anti-corruption activist”. The adjectives are used in place of facts in order to prevent criticism by appeal to moral authority. It usually means the media is trying to hide something that cuts against their narrative and impeaches the credibility of the person in question.

    Whenever you see it, you know they are full of it and are in the midst of a carefully crafted deceit.

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