7 thoughts on “Quantum Computing”

    1. I think the Singularity already happened. Not recently either, but around the time the Sphinx was being built.

      1. The Singularity? When the Printing Press made the propagation of knowledge through mass-produced documents possible.

  1. Well, I’m not the bullshit detector, but if the wording bothers these people, then build a faster computer. Otherwise, they are full of bullshit.

  2. The ignorant press (is there any other kind?) conflates two classes of problems that are unrelated.

    Breaking high level encryption is simple, it just takes being able to factor very large numbers. We know perfectly well how to do it, we just can’t do it fast enough to solve the problem before the heat death of the universe.

    Machine intelligence is altogether different because we don’t really know what intelligence is. Doing what we’re doing now, just faster isn’t going to change that.

  3. They say that quantum computing is bullshit, but it also has to be not bullshit at the same time. When you look at it, it will be one or the other. So what if it’s not bullshit? Then what?

    Of course, my computing has always been quantum in a sense, in that I claim it to be right – or wrong – depending on who I’m trying to sell it to. It’s only when someone looks at it that it degenerates into pure bullshit.

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