15 thoughts on “Bernie’s Road To Serfdom”

  1. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin:

    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary fairness, deserve neither freedom nor fairness.

  2. “Big Business and Big Government are too cozy!”

    “I have the solution–let’s increase the size of the government! What could go wrong?”

  3. I am told that Mayor Pete supporters have a line dance and the video of same for Mayor Mike is a faked parody.


    But tell me, don’t you hear the announcer intone over the dance music, “Losers . . . Losers”?

    On the subject of losers, the story goes that Mayor Pete tried to “horn in” on the protest against a McDonalds restaurant opposing a wage increase and he wasn’t welcome.

    Do we file that under Senator Elizabeth being ignored by diners having breakfast? Or is this a “geek” thing about Mayor Pete being the clueless kid from high school who didn’t fit in with the cool kids’ party?

  4. A larger government means more corruption? Maybe when a bunch of corrupt corporations run government, not when goverment is controlled by the people, the right people who are concerned with improving everyone’s lives by telling them what to do after they wake up in the morning. Everything will be a lot easier when abortion and other means of population control are deployed to lower to population and actions are taken to stifle corrupt companies from ruining the environment by making products no one needs. We have no worry about corruption because people this noble are incorruptible.

    What we do need to worry about is a President who lashes out at the media saying they are biased or lashes out at courts by asking for fair treatment. We need to worry about a President who works with the Russians to influence the election and cowtows to them by drilling more oil and pretending to kill them to keep the war in Syria going. These aren’t the old Russians that liberated the populace and did so many great things under their old system of government. These are the new Russians, controlled by a dictator and corrupt party oligarchs.

    1. Maybe when a bunch of corrupt corporations run government, not when goverment is controlled by the people, the right people who are concerned with improving everyone’s lives by telling them what to do after they wake up in the morning.

      And true communism has never been tried. It would all work just as Marx said if only the right people were in charge.

      1. It would all work just as Marx said if only the right people were in charge.

        And of course, every time a “Democratic” Socialist runs for office, the right people will finally be put in charge. Would they lie to us?

        As for Marx, he espoused economic Creationism. Not even Intelligent Design for him and his Fundamentalist followers. The Book says it, so it’s gotta be true.

        1. Yes, whenever you hear a socialist saying that socialism would work if the right people were in charge, they mean if they were calling the shots (and who gets shot). They are the Useful Idiots that inevitably get shoved aside (or destroyed) when the sociopaths take over, as happened with Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.
          Socialism isn’t about welfare programs. Socialism is government control of the economy. It’s about power and money. As has been stated, “Under capitalism, the rich become powerful. Under socialism, the powerful become rich.” The socialist/communist governments usually introduce market reforms when they’ve run out of things to steal.

        1. Without the /s tag, it’s hard to tell. There are a lot of people who actually believe socialism is a good idea. These people vote, so vote accordingly.

  5. Granted that “liberals” make careers saying stupid stuff–not to mention believing it–but I don’t get the party line that Bernie isn’t authoritarian. What, he’s a voluntaristic, Kropotkin-like socialist now?

    1. Not authoritarian? Who are they kidding?

      When Socialism becomes voluntary I’ll buy the Brooklyn Bolshevik’s Bridge.

  6. I’d just like to leave a shout out to the Americans of African heritage out there in the Democratic party. Thanks for being the voice of reason in that party, and forcing it to be more centrist.

    That said, it would work better if you just bit the bullet and became Republicans if your policies align better with them…

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