12 thoughts on “Plant-Based “Food””

  1. The comments over there are deranged. Wait until these superior beings find out that plants feel pain and communicate.

    1. In the documentary Overlords of the UFO Invaders it was revealed that plants are the foundation of an interstellar communication network. So, not only are we eating disgusting green things, we’re broadcasting that fact to the stars.

      Expect an invasion of the Broccoli People at any time. And this time the Power Puff Girls won’t be around to save us.

    1. I’ll forgive him for the overabundance of green and yellow instead of red, white and black…. 🙂

  2. The truth of the matter is that the attack on eating meat is just an attempt to get a foot in the door. Once it’s accepted that they can dictate that we can’t eat meat, they can then dictate other foods we can’t eat. Then that there should be less people around eating food in the first place. That’s the end play.

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