4 thoughts on “China Looks For Europe’s Backbone”

  1. It also suggests that the U.S. and Australia may have fewer allies than we should have when it comes to holding China accountable for the pandemic.

    What accountability? Sorry, I don’t buy that anyone in either the US or Australia governments is interested much less capable of enforcing any sort of accountability on China for two reasons: first, there’s no mechanism for enforcing accountability – sovereignty naturally comes with an enormous amount of immunity and most international law/treaty reflects that. You really need a system that has such accountability baked in, not merely imposed whenever someone feels like it.

    Second, they would then risk being subject to such accountability themselves – such as Trump’s idiotic tweets over the past few months or not closing borders/conducting mass testing fast enough.

    1. “there’s no mechanism for enforcing accountability”

      Default on any debt to China. Seize any Chinese-owned property in the country. Introduce tariffs on Chinese imports. Ban Chinese immigration.

      Not that hard.

    2. Still haven’t figured out Trump’s tweets, Karl? It’s really not that hard, you must still think he’s talking to you as an adult.

  2. Second, they would then risk being subject to such accountability themselves – such as Trump’s idiotic tweets over the past few months or not closing borders/conducting mass testing fast enough.

    That’s a false equivalence. A better example would be Cuomo and Wilhelm/deBlasio shipping people testing positive back home to their nursing homes to cause “hot spots” and keep the death count number up. One of the many things for which these incompetents will never be held to account.

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