
The Justice Department has dropped the case against Michael Flynn.

The next question is whether anyone will be punished for this. Only Durham’s team (and probably Barr) know the answer to that. Also, kudos to the tenacity of Sidney Powell.

[Update a few minutes later]

More from the AP. Note the anti-Trump spin.

[Update a while later]

Here’s how the hacks at AP describe Sidney Powell: “a conservative commentator and outspoken critic of Mueller’s investigation .”

They apparently didn’t think that it was worth noting that she was a former assistant U.S. Attorney at the Department of Justice, back in the days when it lived up to its name somewhat better.

[Saturday-morning update]

John Solomon: The dirty dozen revelations that sunk Mueller’s case against Flynn.


[Update a while later]

Jim Jordan has a very pithy op-ed.

8 thoughts on “Justice”

  1. First thing I noticed when I read the article was the spin. Flynn must be guilty – he admitted it! Never mind the blackmail! And what a nice hatchet job on Powell.

  2. Putting him in a position of authority over his some of his tormentors would be amusingly appropriate.

  3. Been watching left wing news to see their reaction. No mention of any specific details or legal reasoning, like the DOJ not turning over evidence as required by law, just personal attacks against Flynn’s lawyer, Trump, and Barr.

    MSNBC did mention some notes but didn’t say where they came from, what they related to, or who wrote them. But what is msnbc to do? They were willing participants and hired Obama officials who were part of the coup.

    1. I’ve noticed on several sites I visit that the usual Progressive troll-lets, the ones who’ve been hawking Russia!-Ukraine!-Impeachment Now! for the past few years, are completely missing. Does this mean the DNC Journolist hasn’t gotten the official word to them yet? Did their self-respect finally kick in? Or are they on strike for more pay?

      1. “The enemy advances we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue.”

        It’s simple. They are simply following the General Orders from Chairman Mao.

  4. I don’t buy it. I believe it started under the previous administration, but they left the white house over 3 years ago. And the conspirators backstop left with Obama. Just before General Flynn became deep state enemy #1, it was mentioned he would do an in-depth audit of all the federal intel agencies. I don’t listen continuously, but I’ve heard no word of this for the last three years. I get that Obama is a thin-skinned crybaby, but this has gone on too long to be only because of him.

    1. It wasn’t done just for Obama, or Hillary. It was done for the Democrat party. And when you illegally spy on a Presidential campaign and partner with a knowing and willing media to influence the election and then stage a coup, it has to keep going on because they are in too deep to come clean.

      Everything done after the election was to protect the Democrat party from accountability and one of the best ways to do that is to get Trump removed from office. As a bonus, the SC and impeachment prevented Trump from using the powers of President to hold Democrats accountable.

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