One thought on “We Need Data On The Virus”

  1. We need data on bureaucratically rigid state governors who “warehoused” virus patients in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities by insisting on following the letter-of-the-law that these facilities cannot turn away persons testing positive.

    I guess they had the regulatory mind set that it was up to individual nursing home operators to arrange for proper isolation of such patients from the remainder of their residents. If it is in a regulation, you can enforce anything? Cue Dr. Evil saying, “Riiighhhtt!”

    What ever happened to “protect the old and the frail as they are most vulnerable to the virus”? What ever happened to setting up “MASH unit” tent hospitals in city parks or turning over exhibition halls and sports centers for such a purpose? Yeah, the nursing homes can handle this because as Governor I am ordering them to handle it.

    We need to call up the SAT scores and college transcripts of the governors involved. Forget that, in place of the Oath of Office we need to administer the “Mini-Mental” competency test, “Raise your right hand and tell me what day of the week it is. What did you eat for lunch? Who is the President of the United States? Which state, as in state-in-the-Union are we living in?” That last question is apropos of many governors right now.

    Accusing one of these governors of having “blood on their hands”? I accuse them of having #2 in their shorts — the leaders involved are not capable of carrying out the basic functions of daily living and need long-term care themselves.

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