10 thoughts on “China”

    1. I was thinking a cheap trick, which would put the kazoo in Obama and Biden’s mouth. It is not like they weren’t willing participants.

        1. I laughed out loud when I read this, and I had to check Amazon to see how much one could spend on a kazoo. I found one that appears to be an instrument instead of just a toy, made of an aluminum alloy and comes with replacement diaphragms. $30 including shipping.

  1. Yes, but these other countries respected the U.S. much more than they do now, in large part because we let them play us like whatever sophistication of a musical instrument best satisfies the analogy?

    1. “Yes, but these other countries respected the U.S. much more than they do now, in large part because we let them play us like whatever sophistication of a musical instrument best satisfies the analogy?”

      Saying I respect you in the morning (publically) is not the same as actually respecting you in the morning (privately).

  2. Can’t wait to see evidence that Obama was a paid Chinese agent. Sure explains a lot. Just like Trudeau.

  3. They didn’t have to play Obama and Biden. The things China wanted were the same as what Obama and Biden wanted. To play someone is to deceive them. No deception was necessary.

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