25 thoughts on “A Proposed Coup”

  1. Of course he can’t help but fall into pure projection in the last paragraph. And seriously, Russia again?

    1. Yep – saw that too and came here to comment. At least he was smart enough to show us his idiocy in the last, rather than the first, paragraph.

      1. Wrong–he showed his idiocy right up front when he said Gropey Joe is going to be President next year.

    2. It just shows how effective the attempted coup was. It doesn’t matter that all the evidence disproves their imagined reality.

  2. I’m tired of the arguments on both sides of the aisle that the sitting President won’t leave when their tenure is over. I’ve heard it said of Reagan, not really HW Bush, but Clinton, W, and Obama. Now it is Trump.

    I expect Trump will leave, if he has to, but I could see him suggesting to staff to follow Sally Yate’s example and make up their own mind about submitting their resignation. After that, I suspect the Secret Service and Marshalls office can handle squatters without the need of the military.

    1. Same here. My count matches yours. We have four predictions that a US President would not leave at the end of their term, and they left. It’s time for a new hobby. Maybe the world will end this Thursday? Apocalypse won’t happen right, if nobody predicts it.

    2. There is a matter of scale and importance. A few randos with no power or influence claiming Obama would stay in office after the end of his second term if far different than the most powerful media and political figures in the country saying the same about Trump.

  3. Ah, my old “friend” Fred Kaplan, nee defense expert for the Boston Globe. The one who wrote on the DoD for the Globe in the 80s, steadfastly assuring his readers cruse missiles were hopelessly incapable as were most of the DoD expenditures on weapons systems of that era. Yeah sure Fred, whatever….

  4. The plan, apparently, is to make the election impossible with mass mail-in vote fraud, then send in the military to force Trump out.

    This does not seem like a good plan.

    1. Well there’s always the possibility of a tight election with only a handful of electors deciding the outcome and some go rogue i.e. faithless. In that case bring the popcorn.

      A more fun plan.

        1. So, a real election at Christmas.
          Trump making Christmas, great again.

          If earlier, Dems could stop Black Friday, that would also be amazing, I would even stand and clap.

  5. A large problem is the assumption that the election results will be clear and uncontested. But the election could easily be in dispute with not the military deciding things but the courts. If there was evidence of significant election fraud (mail-ins & non-citizens voting) then yeah, I could imagine Trump refusing to concede.

      1. “If it goes to the SCOTUS, Roberts will automatically hand Biden the win because reasons.”

        Yes. Probably; unless of course RBG goes tits up before then.

    1. The flip side of that is that Biden will contest the outcome. Looking at the Democrat’s behavior over the last five years, there is a high likelihood that they contest the election no matter how big the margin is.

      The riots, internet censorship, using corporations to punish people Democrats don’t like, and all of the violence at political events will continue no matter what.

      1. “The riots, internet censorship, using corporations to punish people Democrats don’t like, and all of the violence at political events will continue no matter what.”

        Footage of mass riots etc. both before the election (in Trump’s campaign ads) and afterwards when as I expect Trump wins will help the Conservatives. Law and order etc.; wonder how the Hispanic vote will play out? Dems think they will reliably vote dem because of Trump’s stance on immigration. But what if instead many Hispanic small business owners empathize more with business owners’ livelihood and life’s work being looted and burned? What if they desire more justice for said business owners and respect for property rights and the law? How will they vote then?

    1. I was thinking the same thing, Gen. James Mattoon Scott will be testing the new emergency alert system from Mt. Thunder on Nov. 4th.

  6. I canceled my subscription to the Defense One site immediately upon reading the op-ed.

  7. Of course, Trump will leave office if he loses. However, two weeks after he leaves office he should call a press conference at Mar El-Largo. At that press conference, Trump should call on all the people who voted for him to disobey any legislation or executive orders that emerge from the Biden/Harris/Sanders/AOC cabal in D.C. Just throw a huge monkey wrench into the Left’s plans to ‘transform’ America.

  8. For me the glaring flaw was the demand that the military fix this alleged problem rather than come up with a plan to fix it himself. That’s what happens when you depend on Big Nanny to make things right rather than yourself.

    It’s not the military’s job to illegally subvert the chain of command just because the President might hypothetically break the law. If Fred Kaplan wants to do something about the possibility of Trump illegally overstaying as president, then Fred Kaplan can make his own plans (with only the planning of crimes like assassination being genuinely illegal) and conspire as much as he likes with any other interested parties. Beseeching the military to break fundamental laws of the land isn’t the way.

    And after the danger has passed, perhaps Kaplan ought to take a hard look at the system and the alleged risks. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to give a single man such power?

  9. I should troll them by asking why the military should remove Trump and then turn around and surrender control to Biden in a contested election. A contested election means democracy has failed. A far more reliable form of government is needed, one where the leadership his clearly established by military rank and seniority, or even pure military prowess. How about that Colonel Kurtz fellow from Vietnam? Clear headed, logical, and willing to do what needs to be done. He’d have my vote, but why use votes at all? Real leaders don’t need “likes” for validation!

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