6 thoughts on “Sandia”

  1. It really isn’t reverse racism. It is just racism.

    Systematic racism brought to us by the party of Jim Crow.

    1. Very much agreed. I’ve always said that there’s no such thing as reverse racism, it’s racism – says so, right in the name.

      What next, Democrats trying to repeal the civil rights act? Oh, wait… they are. Again. California Democrats are pulling out all the stops to repeal a ban on racial and gender discrimination from the state constitution. (Prop 16). The legislature put Prop 16 on the ballot. They own this perfidy.

  2. It’s terrifying, if true. Which makes me ask for independent backup.

    However, it isn’t surprising, if true. The nuke people seem to always have had very strong Communist sympathies, and this type of behavior is 100% Communist. I don’t mean the pure Marxist type of communism, but the subversive Leninist-Stalinist type, which uses any means necessary (or possible) to get what it wants (absolute power).

    I’ve seen the attitude first hand among friends and colleagues of mine from the nuke weapons community. And, frankly, from the astronaut community. I think it may have something to do with working in a field that is 100% dependent on vast government funding.

    1. All of the white people who work for the Seattle government had to take classes like this.

      Are you a racist, yes or no?

      Yes? We knew it. Confess your sins.

      No? Denial of being a racist is an admission you are racist.

      No joke, that was in their power point. I thought Democrats were educated but apparently none of them have read any Kafka.

      1. History doesn’t really repeat itself but it sometimes rhymes. These mandatory racism classes very strongly rhyme with China’s Cultural Revolution. The destruction of history rhymes with the Khmer Rouge’s Year Zero plan that resulted in the deaths of 1/5th of the Cambodian population.

    2. Must have been the runoff from Los Alamos. Sandia is close enough. I thought this was the whole point of Livermore?

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