4 thoughts on “The Lost Colony”

  1. A Croatian person in their own language is a Hrvat. It is pronounced HER-vaht because in that part of the world, “r” is a vowel.

    Where this term Croatian comes from, I don’t know. Maybe it is some weirdness from England.

  2. This is pretty interesting, at least from the perspective of what is taught in schools regionally. I grew up in the southeastern US, and while this was taught to us as “the lost colony of Roanoke” 45 years ago we were taught most of the details in this article…colonists absorbed by the local tribe, some tribe decendants had blue eyes, etc.

    1. A few years ago, I had a routine blood test done for my neurologist. One of the results he remarked upon was that my red blood cells were of a sort which reflected one of two things: I was either “Black Irish”, or somewhere in my lineage someone had hooked up with a Native American. (He believed the old falsehood of “Black Irish” being descendant of survivors of the Spanish Armada of 1588, though nobody seems to know of our origin.) I, of course, am a Native American. I was born in Chicago.

      I forgot why I started this post…

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