12 thoughts on “The Week In PIctures”

  1. Can someone explain Mr. Biden getting off a plane in Tampa and waving to 3 guys, one with an Abe Lincoln hat and another in an alligator costume?

    Is the is return of Obi-Wan and the repentant Vader as Force Ghosts in Star Wars? Or is it a Star Trek reference to the episode The Savage Curtain where a replica of Abe Lincoln teams up with Kirk and Spock to fight 3 bad guys to satisfy the curiosity of an alien as to whether Good or Evil is stronger?

    1. The background is a scene from the movie Happy Gilmore. The scene is definitely meant to be an ape of Star Wars, but I’m not sure what it means in the context of Biden.

  2. Alright I should have posted about Jeff Dunham’s Walter and Quid Pro Joe. The resemblance was so strong watching the news one eve when I first thought of it I had to chuckle. That happened weeks ago. Should have posted here for the cred. All we need is Kamala to be the on stage straight-person.

    Kamala: (holding the QPJ doll which is frowning at her) So Joe, what were you about to say?

    QPJ: I dunno, you’re at the front of the ticket, you tell me!

  3. I believe Ace of Spaces is correct. They’re changing Biden’s sleeping schedule because dementia patients tend to be at their best just after waking. After that they start “sun downing” from there. They want Biden to be as fresh as possible so he will be sleeping during the day and awakened a few hours before 9pm.

    1. It could just be that they think that Trump is his own worst enemy and that their best chance is not to campaign and to let the media do their campaigning for them. Trump vs Blank Slate is a better chance than Trump Vs Blank Slate Dementia.

      1. “It could just be that they think that Trump is his own worst enemy”

        If they do, that’s the kind of tone-deaf thinking that will guarantee Trump’s re-election.

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